Green Teams

Rock Creek Green Team group photo

The Rock Creek Green Team meets on average once per quarter.

What’s a Green Team?

PCC Green Teams are self-organized groups of employees committed to advancing sustainable practices in their office, department, and/or building. These sustainability champions recognize the importance of staff and faculty commitment in order to meet the college’s progressive sustainability goals.

Green Teams meet about once a month to connect and celebrate their accomplishments, reflect on shortcomings, and share ideas. These meetings also serve as a platform for collaborative education, community building, and innovation.
Green Team
Green Team members use a variety of provided resources and outreach materials to promote eco-friendly offices and reduce the college’s environmental footprint. They also serve as the primary contact for their department or building for all things sustainability and remain in constant contact with sustainability staff for support and resources.

Campus Green Teams

Currently, Cascade, Rock Creek, and Southeast Campuses have Green Teams. The Cascade Green Team finds ways to advance sustainability at their campus through educational events and action projects. Some projects that they have worked on recently include efforts to reduce plastic bottle consumption on campus, supporting the learning garden, and contributing to Earth Week activities. The Rock Creek team has a strategic influence on department-level sustainable practices, information dissemination, and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP), as well as serving as contacts for campus-wide initiatives and education. The Southeast team’s biggest accomplishment has been the establishment of their learning garden! The team developed the grant and collaborated on the creation of the garden. If you are interested in starting a team on your campus, contact to learn how to get started.

Why should your office get involved?

PCC is committed to sustainability! Check out the school’s most recent Climate Action Plan.
Green Office certification
As a college, we have already made great strides in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions & environmental impact, but there is still much more to do. Your participation can help PCC meet its progressive sustainability goals!

Green Office certification

The Green Office program is a great place to get your office engaged in PCC’s sustainability efforts. Learn about the Green Office Program and see where your office stands, what actions to take to improve, and apply for official Green Office Certification!


Contact if you have any further questions or inquiries.