Building futures for our Students and Communities
Portland Community College supports student success by delivering access to quality education while advancing economic development and promoting sustainability in a collaborative culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Who we are
Portland Community College is a public, multi-campus, comprehensive community college serving the lifelong learning needs of our students. We offer college transfer programs; career and technical education programs; adult basic skills; opportunities to develop English as a second language; high school completion and dual credit; community and continuing education programs; and community-based learning opportunities that foster the development of civic responsibility and engagement. Through extensive partnerships with business, industry, labor, educational institutions, and the public sector, we provide training and learning opportunities for the local and state workforce and promote economic and community development.
Board member responsibilities
- Approve the college vision and mission statements
- Hire and supervise the college president
- Approve policies
- Approve major expenditures in accordance with Board Policy B505
- Approve the annual budget in cooperation with the college Budget Committee
- Represent the college at events each year
We value
- Effective teaching and student development programs that prepare students for their roles as citizens in a democratic society in a rapidly changing global economy
- An environment that is committed to diversity as well as the dignity and worth of the individual
- Leadership through innovation, continuous improvement, efficiency, and sustainability
- Leadership through the effective use of technology in learning and all College operations
- Being a responsible member of the communities we serve by actively participating in their development
- Quality, lifelong learning experiences that help students to achieve their personal and professional goals
- Continuous professional and personal growth of our employees and students including an emphasis on fit and healthy lifestyles that decrease disease and disability
- Academic freedom and responsibility – creating a safe environment where competing beliefs and ideas can be openly discussed and debated
- Collaboration predicated upon a foundation of mutual trust and support
- An agile learning environment that is responsive to the changing educational needs of our students and the communities we serve – making students marketable for jobs in the future and promoting economic development
- The public’s trust by the effective and ethical use of public and private resources