Accessible wayfinding

We want students and employees to be able to get where they need to go. We have many locations and we use shuttles to connect them. There are options for navigating these spaces and we provide accessible maps and other wayfinding information.

Navigating PCC locations

Check out the accessible building feature map which provides navigation by campus, building, and floor. Accessibility features such as automatic door openers, elevators, are displayed and described for all campuses and centers. These maps are screen reader friendly and keyboard navigable. Tactile versions are available upon request. Please use the feedback form on the bottom of the map to let us know if you have suggestions for improvement.

Additional resources

  • We can produce individualized tactile campus maps upon request.
  • There are general PCC campus maps, as well as online information related to emergency preparedness and response.
  • Individuals who need an alternate format will be provided with customized wayfinding information.

Email if you need tactile or audio descriptions for wayfinding at any of our locations