Tuition waiver for PCC classes
Eligible employees include all benefits-eligible employees and their spouses/domestic partners and children under the age of 24 (defined as dependents under Federal IRS rules.)
You must submit an online tuition waiver request to receive the benefit for yourself, your spouse or domestic partner, or dependent children. After enrolling in the desired class(es), follow the steps below. Employment status and classification is electronically verified. No supervisor approval is required unless the waiver is for a department-required class.
- Sign in to MyPCC.
- Select the Employee tab.
- Select the Banweb Main Menu link on the left of the page.
- Select the Employee Services link.
- Select the Tuition Waiver link.
A paper version of the form [pdf] is also available.
To use the tuition waiver benefit for a domestic partner, a certificate of domestic partnership must be on file with Human Resources. Tuition Waivers cover only the tuition portion of the bill. Any associated fees are the responsibility of the student and must be paid by the term payment due date to avoid late fees. Complete the registration process first and then submit the tuition waiver by the term payment due date. If the tuition waiver is not received by the due date, courses are subject to deletion for non-payment unless another college-approved financial arrangement is in place. Classes dropped after the refund deadline count against the maximum allowable credits for that term. Only one waiver per term per person is required.
Tuition waiver for department-required classes
Your department may offer to pay your tuition and fees for one or more classes as part of development in a current position or to fulfill a requirement for growth within the department. Because it is employer required, the departmental budget is charged for tuition and any associated fees which exceed the tuition waiver maximum. Your department manager may also elect to fund tuition for voluntary professional development course work that exceeds the tuition waiver benefit if it will enhance your job performance.
If you are using the paper version [pdf], it is your responsibility to get your supervisor’s signature along with the appropriate budget account number (FOAP: Fund-Organization-Account-Program) to pay applicable charges. The waiver must be submitted to Student Account Services by the term payment due date to avoid course deletion for non-payment. If you are using the online version, an email will be sent to your supervisor requesting approval once you enter required information. The waiver cannot be processed unless your supervisor approves by responding to the email message. Any classes you take that conflict with assignments or work schedules must first be reviewed and approved by your immediate supervisor.
Maximum allowable tuition credits by employee class
The benefit amount for non-credit and CEU courses is the cost equivalent of the in-district tuition rate, multiplied by the maximum allowable credit hours per term. The two-course provision applicable to some employee classes does not apply to non-credit and CEU classes.
- Classified, Full-Time:
Two classes or 8 credit hours per term, whichever is greater. - Classified, Full-Time on Approved Leave of Absence W/O Pay (5 years’ service required):
Up to 19 credit hours per term for a maximum of two years or six terms. - Classified, Full-Time Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent Child:
Up to 19 credit hours per term each up to a lifetime maximum of the credits required to obtain a two-year degree in a college program. - Classified, Part-Time (600 – 2079 hours per year):
Two classes or 6 credit hours per term in which the employee is working, whichever is greater. - Classified, Part-time Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent Child:
Up to 6 credit hours per term each up to a lifetime maximum of the credits required to obtain a two-year degree in a college program. - AP, Full-Time (1387-2080 hours per year):
Up to 8 credit hours per term. - AP, Full-Time Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent Child:
Up to 19 credit hours per term each for a maximum of the credits required to obtain a two-year degree in a college program. - AP, Part-Time (960-1386 hours per year):
Two classes or 6 credit hours per term, whichever is greater, used during the term of employment and the term immediately following. - AP, Part-Time Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent Child:
Two classes or 6 credit hours per term, whichever is greater, used during the employee’s term of employment and the term immediately following. - Faculty, Full-Time (1387-2080 hours per year):
Up to 8 credit hours per term. - Faculty, Full-Time Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent Child:
Up to 19 credit hours per term each for a maximum of the credits required to obtain a two-year degree in a college program. - Faculty, Part-Time:
Two classes or 6 credit hours per term, whichever is greater, used during the term of employment and the term immediately following. - Faculty, Part-Time Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent Child:
Two classes or 6 credit hours per term, whichever is greater, used during the employee’s term of employment and the term immediately following. - Management, Full-Time/Part-Time (108-179 days), Confidential, First Line Supervisor:
Up to 8 credit hours per term. - Management, Full-Time/Part-Time (108-179 days), Confidential, First Line Supervisor Spouse/ Domestic Partner/Dependent Child:
Up to 19 credit hours per term each for a maximum of six terms