Rock Creek Campus

17705 NW Springville Rd. Portland, OR 97229 | 971-722-6111
campus map | map of accessible features
Mon-Fri: 7am-9pm, Sat: 8am-4pm

Rock Creek student reading outside

Boosted by Rock Creek’s sustainability efforts, PCC has been Tree Campus USA certified since 2016.

Trees on campus lining a walkway on a sunny day
Building 7 from the outside, with a sculpture in the foregroundBuilding 5 interior with students studying

Graduates of career technical education programs, like Caterpillar's ThinkBIG, are bridging the skills gap in Oregon’s high-wage, high-demand fields.

Think Big student in front of a large CAT machine

Opened in 1976, Rock Creek serves approximately 18,000 students, primarily from Washington County, on its 260-acre campus.

Rock Creek Campus landscaping

The Landscape Technology program offers three degrees and two certificates to help students pursue a variety of career paths.

Landscape Technology student in a greenhouse
Rock Creek outdoor fountain with students studying

The Auto Collision Repair Technology program at Rock Creek is one of the largest and most reputable programs on the West Coast.

Auto Collision student working on a car
Students at graduation, one of the hats says 'believe in yourself'

PCC Rock Creek, a critical resource for Washington County, is located 12 miles west of downtown Portland. Its 260-acre campus includes woodlands, wetlands and grassland, a diverse collection of farm animals, 14 career tech programs, and a 3.6-acre Learning Garden. Approximately 66 percent of Rock Creek students enroll in the college transfer program and approximately 18 percent of students enroll in career/technical programs. Rock Creek serves approximately 20,000 students a year.

Rock Creek by the numbers


Total campus acreage


Square foot airplane hangar


Permanent art installations


Rock Creek’s opening date

News from Rock Creek



PCC offers various parking options to meet your needs.



Get a workout on the way to class! Recover from your ride in Rock Creek’s locker rooms.

bus simple


PCC provides free shuttles between our campuses.



Rock Creek is served by three transit lines. Next arrivals:

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Schedules | refresh in 30

Come visit PCC Rock Creek

aerial view of the campus
Thinking of enrolling and want to see the campus? Schedule a visit!

Community members can learn about renting our facilities.

Things to do and see

At the Helzer Art Gallery:

Rock Creek events

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Ready to become a PCC student?

Becoming a PCC student is easy! Just complete the steps for new students, starting with admissions.

Admissions: apply today

View all classes at Rock Creek