Financial aid
College can be expensive, but there are funds available to help with college costs, including tuition, books, and living expenses. We will walk you through the process of receiving financial aid, starting with filling out the application and ending with how to manage your financial aid over the course of your college career.
Steps to get financial aid
1. Apply
Financial aid is available for degree-seeking students. Depending on your immigration status, apply by completing the FAFSA or the ORSAA. If you’re not sure which to use, take this quiz.
2. Submit documents
After you apply, the PCC Financial Aid Office will request additional information from you. Watch your MyPCC Financial Aid Dashboard and look for red flags.
3. Review and accept award
When your award is ready, we will send you an email with instructions for accepting your award. The link to your award will appear in your MyPCC Financial Aid Dashboard.
4. Receive your funds
After accepting your award, you’ll choose how you want to receive your money, charge textbooks, or get a work study position.
5. Maintain eligibility
Financial aid eligibility requires students to maintain good academic standing. You can lose your aid – or even be required to give it back! You will be notified of changes to your eligibility in your PCC email and in your Financial Aid Dashboard.
Financial aid and veterans benefits
If you’re using VA benefits, you can and should apply for financial aid in addition to veterans benefits. Apply for financial aid by following the steps above, and apply for Veterans Education Benefits.
Financial aid and scholarships
If you are thinking about applying for financial aid, you should also consider applying for scholarships. There are thousands of scholarships available for all kinds of students, from all kinds of organizations. Read more about finding and applying for scholarships.
Financial aid tools
The Federal Net Price Calculator [opens in new window] provides an estimate of college costs and financial aid assistance.
Contact information
See how to contact the PCC Financial Aid Office.