Accessible Ed & Disability Resources

Email: [opens in new window] | Phone: 971-722-4341 | Fax: 971-722-4882


On-site and online

We are here for you! Appointments are available Monday through Friday or feel free to drop in to our Virtual Lobby Monday through Thursday 10am to 2pm. See our contact page.

Equal access is a shared responsibility. It is not achieved through accommodation alone. Accessible Ed & Disability Resources leads the PCC community to recognize disability as a valued aspect of diversity, embrace access as a matter of social justice, and promote universal design and inclusive environments.

Our core values:

  • Disability is a natural part of human variation and vital to the development of communities
  • Disability is a social/political category that includes individuals from diverse backgrounds
  • Equal access can not be achieved through accommodation alone
  • Design that promotes inclusion is a matter of social justice and civil rights
  • Person-centered approaches demand leveraging creative solutions