
The EAC crafts and revises policies and standards pertaining to academic, curricular, student development, and student governance issues and makes recommendations to the district president. The EAC provides an opportunity for discussion and exchange of views regarding educational issues at PCC – whether initiated by students, faculty, staff, or administration.

The EAC has six standing committees that report directly to the EAC. These are the Academic Policies and Standards Committee, the Curriculum Committee, the Degrees and Certificates Committee, the Membership Committee, the Student Development Committee, and the Advancement of Educators Committee (AEC).  Each committee meets regularly, reports on its activities to the EAC, and makes recommendations to the EAC. The EAC functions according to the EAC By-Laws.

When topics are pertinent to the college but fall outside the regular committee structure, task forces may be formed to address the issues.

If there are issues that need to be explored and examined concerning the educational experience at PCC, please contact EAC Chair Stacie Williams or EAC Vice-Chair Melissa Manolas.