Accessibility Handbooks

Download a copy of these handbooks and feel free to share! Editable with Adobe Illustrator. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Attribution in the form of a link back to would be greatly appreciated.

We would love to know if you are using the handbook! Share your contact information and how you are using the handbook, and we will let you know about future editions and other accessibility publications we create. We promise not to share your information with others.

2nd Edition: Web accessibility handbook!

Web Accessibility handbook cover
Hot off the presses! The 2nd edition of our Web Accessibility Handbook.

Web accessibility handbook (high-resolution) [pdf], 106mb

Web accessibility handbook (low resolution) [pdf], 2mb

New Arrival: Working with complex images!

Complex Images accessibility handbook cover
A new “Complex Images for All Learners [pdf]” handbook provides guidelines and best practices for working with different types of complex images and other types of alt formats. It’s Creative Commons licensed. You don’t want to miss it!