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The Portland Community College Queer Resource Centers provide advocacy, education, leadership development, programming, and retention services for students with marginalized genders and sexualities to create an inclusive and intersectional campus climate promoting gender justice, sexual liberation, and equity for all people.


The Queer Resource Centers envision Portland Community College as a nationally recognized community college leader that affirms and celebrates students of all genders and sexualities with their intersecting identities, advances equity, and dismantles all oppressions for students, staff, faculty, and community.

QRC district logoView the QRC history timeline [pdf].

Queer is an umbrella term used to be inclusive of all sexual and gender identities that challenge the norm.


Chat with us!

Have questions? Try our new simple chat tool! Student Advocates will be there to greet you, build community, and host activities. Peer support is available during our remote staffing hours.


We’re here for you

Have you experienced harm resulting from domestic violence, dating or intimate partner violence, sexual violence, harassment, or stalking, or do you have questions and want to talk to someone? Contact the Campus Outreach and Advocacy Project.

Programming and offerings

Each campus also has slightly different programs and resources. Visit the campus QRC page of your choice below to find out what’s available at your campus!

District-wide efforts

In addition to campus-specific offerings, the QRCs work together to create district-wide opportunities and events.

Disclaimer: Portland Community College (PCC) prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, veteran status, age, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law in any area, activity or operation of the College. Our Centers do not exclude students based on any protected category. Any students currently enrolled at PCC are welcome to benefit from our programs and services.