The Senior Studies Institute (SSI) offers a unique program for dynamic older adults who want to expand their horizons and connect with others. SSI offers learning in a pressure-free atmosphere – no grades, no tests, no compulsory attendance, no competitive pressures, no formal faculty, and no pre-registration – all for one annual membership fee.
SSI is a member-driven organization and class proposals are generated by the membership. SSI is special because its members plan, conduct, and run the institute’s activities. Members with a passionate interest in their subjects enthusiastically share their knowledge in 2-hour presentations. Others moderate, facilitate, or coordinate activities and classes such as poetry and play readings, a DVD series, and current events discussions. Everybody participates and everyone benefits.
Join us!
SSI hosts a variety of activities, including 2-hour, one-time only presentations on varied topics of interest, poetry and playing readings, streaming series, current events, film and book discussion groups –on the online Zoom platform, in-person or both! As a member, you can attend any of our events with no prior registration at one annual fee. For more information, browse our SSI website or email ssimembership2@gmail.com for more information.
Be sure to follow the full online payment directions in the drop-down menu immediately below providing both the requested and optional information. (The “Member 2: First & Last Name” is to be completed if you are applying as a couple.)