Types of classes at PCC

We have classes in different formats to better support the many ways students learn. The class schedule includes:

students seated in a classroom watching lecture


  • In-person classes take place at specific times and locations.
  • Attendance in the classroom is required.
  • All instruction takes place in-person. Some class materials might be delivered online.

laptop on dining room table


  • Online classes don’t have specific meeting times.
  • Regular online interaction is required and there are specific deadlines for assignments.
  • All instruction is delivered online. Some instructors schedule optional meetings in Zoom.

screenshot of students in a zoom meeting


  • Remote classes take place at specific times online, usually in Zoom.
  • Students must be logged in during class meeting times.
  • All instruction takes place remotely during class meeting times.

Combined formats

In some cases, it makes sense for a class to use more than one format. Look in the class schedule for classes that combine the convenience of online learning with the benefits of face-to-face interaction.

screenshot of the class schedule showing lecture and lab type classes

Some examples:
  • Remote and in-person: a class meets in Zoom for the first half of the term while learning theory and historical context. For the rest of term, the class meets in a lab setting to get hands-on practice.
  • Online and in-person: each week, the instructor releases a pre-recorded lecture and supporting videos which prepare students for weekly studio sessions on campus.
  • Remote and online: a class meets in Zoom each week to watch a live demonstration and lecture. Throughout the week, the instructor facilitates an online discussion board.