CW02-01000 International Travel Policy
- Responsible executives: VP Finance and Administration, VP Academic Affairs, VP Student Affairs
- Responsible officers: Manager Safety/Risk, Manager Education Abroad Program; Dean Student Success; Dir Continuing Education Operations
- Responsible offices: Safety/Risk Management, Education Abroad, Student Success, Continuing Education
- Effective date: January 30, 2019
- Last revision date: November 6, 2018
Associated policies
- B507 Safety and Risk Management (Board Policy)
- B708 Emergency Planning and Preparedness (Board Policy)
- CW02-01010 International Travel: Credit-Bearing Activities sub-policy
- CW02-01020 International Travel: Non-Credit-Bearing Activities sub-policy
- CW02-01030 International Travel: Travel Advisories sub-policy
- Student Travel Policy (Finance) [intranet]
- Faculty and Staff Travel Policy (Finance) [intranet]
Policy statement
All employees and students traveling internationally on college business must register their travel with the college and follow all applicable College Policies including the specific policies as outlined in the section “General Use and Responsibilities” below.
Policy exemption
No employees or students are exempt from this policy. Exceptions to this policy must be petitioned through the office of the College President.
Portland Community College supports international travel and collaboration by its employees and students that promotes the mission of the college. The benefits of such travel must be balanced against the potential risks to students and employees, and the need for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
This policy applies to employees and students traveling abroad for college business or coursework related to the College Mission, including
- Education Abroad – managed through the Office of Education Abroad Office
- Community Education – managed through the Continuing Education Department
- Co-curricular (non-credit bearing travel with students) – managed through the Office of Student Success
- Individual employees traveling on college business
- Any other international travel where PCC could be reasonably assumed to be a sponsoring entity
General use and responsibilities
(See International Travel sub-policies CW02-01010 through CW02-01030)
- Employees traveling abroad without students to attend a meeting or conference, or to engage in other college-related business
- Complete a Chrome River Pre-Approval according to published timelines and protocols. Note: PAs for international travel route to the traveler’s cognizant Vice President then to the college President for approval.
- Register travel with the college – contact Risk Services.
- Register travel with the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
- For travel in which a student will be earning academic credit, any component of which takes place abroad (including Cooperative Education or related activities, and Independent Study) see CW02-01002.
- For any international travel in which a student will not be earning course credit (such as a service-learning activity, volunteer program, academic conference, or international trip by a student group such as performing arts or athletics), see CW02-01003.
- For any international travel conducted through the Community Education Program, see CW02-01003.
- For any travel to a country under US Department of State or CDC Warning, see CW02-01001.
- PCC employees who wish to use their position as PCC employees to promote, support, sponsor, or offer for-credit or non-credit activities that include international travel must ensure that the activity has been approved by the appropriate college authorities prior to promoting or advertising the activity.
Policy violation
Consistent with existing Human Resources policies and Collective Bargaining Agreements, violation of this policy and/or its sub-policies may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Complaint procedure
Alleged violations or any other concerns regarding this policy shall be reported to Risk Services.
Related governing standards, policies, and guidelines
- US Department of State Travel Advisories
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Travelers Health
- College Business – Employee travel that is paid for by the college, or representing the college. This includes the use of one’s position as a PCC employee to promote, support, sponsor, or offer for-credit or non-credit activities that include international travel.
Revision history
- Original policy established October 2015.
- The 2018 revision identifies the locus of responsibility for co-curricular travel.