
Environmental center staffStudent holding four leaf cloverE Center sign made from bottle capsPeople digging in gardenPeople building garden bedsWatering plants in gardenMeasuring garden bedKids in garden

Sylvania Learning Garden

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The Sylvania Learning Garden is a cooperative campus space dedicated to organic gardening. The garden serves as a “Living Laboratory” to allow individuals and groups to teach and learn through organic gardening.

In 2010 the garden was a site for the Village Building Convergence, a natural building festival, and the garden now hosts a hand-made cob bench covered by an eco-roof. The garden is currently developing a rainwater catchment system and new vermiculture facilities.

Students, clubs, faculty, and staff are invited to become involved in the garden. For more information about the Sylvania Learning Garden – contact center coordinator, Peter Ritson.

PCC Environmental Center

The Environmental Center serves as a community hub for PCC sustainability initiatives, including our beautiful Learning Garden. The E-Center is an active meeting place for committees organized around sustainability issues and student-led organizations. It offers updated resources on climate change, alternative transportation, energy conservation, and campus sustainability. The center also offers counseling for students interested in environmental careers.

Stop by Sylvania ST 213 or contact Peter Ritson to learn more.

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