Partnership Arrangements: Definitions and Guidelines
Articulation Agreement
Type of Partnership | How Developed/Implemented | PCC Managing Unit/Contact |
A formal agreement that provides benefits to PCC students that are not available via the other mechanisms of articulation/transfer. Examples of benefits include:
May be initiated by a PCC academic department, faculty interest group, or administrative unit; or by an external institutional representative
Must be vetted by the appropriate PCC stakeholders. Depending on the nature and details of the agreement, these may include departments, the contracts office, division and campus leadership.
Must be signed by contracts office, Dean of Academic Affairs, and VP for Academic Affairs; other signatories (deans, campus leadership, etc.) may also be required depending on nature of agreement |
Managing Unit at PCC: Academic Affairs
Contact: Christy Weigel [opens in new window], Articulation and Transfer Agreement Coordinator |
Type of Partnership | How Developed/Implemented | PCC Managing Unit/Contact |
Specifies how a specific course at PCC articulates to a destination institution – as CTE or LDC, as a specific course, as an elective within a particular discipline, etc. | All public and private universities in Oregon, and many institutions elsewhere, maintain databases of course-by-course articulations for PCC coursework. These databases are regularly updated based on catalog revisions
Initial evaluation of courses is performed by articulation specialists, generally in the Registrar’s office of the receiving institution; specialized coursework and courses used to fulfill requirements within a major may also be evaluated by the academic department |
Managing Unit and contact:
For coursework from other institutions articulated at PCC: Nikki Patterson, Registrar. [opens in new window]
PCC stakeholders with questions about how this process affects PCC students transferring to other institutions should contact Contact: Christy Weigel [opens in new window], Articulation and Transfer Agreement Coordinator |
Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)
Type of Partnership | How Developed/Implemented | PCC Managing Unit/Contact |
Generally states what is done for all students or reiterates general desire to collaborate | May be requested by a PCC stakeholder or an external partner.
Must be vetted by the appropriate PCC stakeholders. Depending on the nature and details of the agreement, these may include departments, the contracts office, division and campus leadership.
Must be signed by the President. Other signatories (contract office, deans, campus leadership, VPs, etc.) may also be required depending on nature of agreement |
Managing Unit at PCC: Academic Affairs
Contact: Contact: Christy Weigel [opens in new window], Articulation and Transfer Agreement Coordinator |
Co-Admission or Dual Enrollment Agreements
Type of Partnership | How Developed/Implemented | PCC Managing Unit/Contact |
Students are simultaneously admitted to, and may simultaneously attend, both PCC and a partner institution.
These agreements provide benefits to students including allowing students to take classes at both institutions before or after matriculating to the four-year institution; coordination of financial aid; access to student services (advising, facilities, library, housing) at both institutions; and catalog rights at both institutions |
May be requested by a PCC stakeholder or an external partner
Must be vetted by appropriate PCC stakeholders, including admissions/enrollment, Registrar, Academic Affairs, and financial aid
Must be signed by the VP of Student Affairs and VP of Academic Affairs. Other signatories may also be required depending on the nature of the agreement
Managing Unit at PCC: Academic Affairs and Student Affairs
Contact: Darilis Garcia, Director of Enrollment Services [opens in new window] |