Getting started – PCC faculty and administrators

If you are interested in starting discussions with colleagues at another college about a possible academic partnership with PCC, or have informally engaged in such discussions already, we encourage you to contact us! Depending on the type of partnership, the process may be quite simple or more complex, but in general the following steps are involved:

  1. Review the Definitions and Guidelines.
  2. Check to see if a university is already accepting PCC’s courses in a specific major, and/or if they have transfer guides on their website for PCC students. If so, we may not need a signed agreement! See Portland State University’s Transfer Advising Guides as an example of what we mean by this.
  3. Contact Christy Weigel [opens in new window], Articulation and Transfer Agreement Coordinator, to discuss your ideas, review any questions you may have, and discuss next steps.
  4. Depending on the type of partnership, a meeting with the principal players at PCC and the prospective partner institution may be desirable. Christy can assist with arranging such a meeting.
  5. The Curriculum Office will coordinate the process of drafting and circulating any partnership documents for review, discussion, and (where required) signatures.
  6. Once finalized, the Curriculum Office manages the updating and review of any formal partnership documents, in consultation with all the stakeholders and (where needed) signatories.