Portland Community College Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

Office of Academic and Student Affairs

Sylvania CC 232, 971-722-4621

Caution! This page provides historic information. For current list of Lower Division General Education courses, see the PCC catalog at: catalog.pcc.edu

Lower Division Collegiate Courses

  • Complete Listings (ms excel format)
  • Courses that are on either G or A/B list are the ones that need to consider conversion from 3 to 4 credit.
  • Courses that are not on either list are shaded. These were not required to convert or opt out, though some did.

View other courses: F through J, M through W

ART – Art

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
ART 101 Intro to Art G A 4
ART 102 Intro to Art G A 4
ART 103 Intro to Art G A 4
ART 115 Basic Design G B 3
ART 116 Basic Design G B 3
ART 117 Basic Design G B 3
ART 131 Intro to Drawing G B 3
ART 141 Intro to Photo (non-dkrm) G B 3
ART 142 Intro to Photo (dkrm) G B 3
ART 143 Photo II G B 3
ART 181 Painting I G B 3
ART 197 Practical Issues 3
ART 204 History of Western Art G A 4
ART 205 History of Western Art G A 4
ART 206 History of Western Art G A 4
ART 207 History of Asian Art G A 4
ART 208 History of Asian Art G A 4
ART 209 History of Asian Art G A 4
ART 210 Women in Art G B 4
ART 211 Modern Art History 19th C G A 4
ART 212 Modern Art History Early 20th Century Art G A 4
ART 213 Modern Art History since '45 G A 4
ART 215 History of American Residential Arch. 3
ART 218 Calligraphy 2
ART 220 Adv Lettering 2
ART 221 A Computer Graphics in Arts 2
ART 221 Computer Graphics in Arts 4
ART 224 Computer Graphics in Arts 4
ART 231 Drawing G B 3
ART 237 Life Drawing G B 3
ART 241 Nature Photo 3
ART 242 Small Format Portraiture 3
ART 243 Photo Portfolio 3
ART 253 Ceramics I G B 3
ART 256 Ceramics II G B 3
ART 266 Slide Photogr: London 3
ART 270 Printmaking G B 3
ART 276 Popular Art of Mexico 3
ART 277 Life Painting G B 3
ART 279 Exper Media G 3
ART 281 Painting II G B 3
ART 284 Watercolor I G B 3
ART 287 Watercolor II G B 3
ART 291 Sculpture: Plaster/Clay G 3
ART 292 Sculpture: Welding G 3
ART 293 Sculpture G B 3
ART 295 Sculpture: Welding II G B 4

ASL – American Sign Language

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
ASL 101 First Year ASL I G 3
ASL 102 First Year ASL II G 3
ASL 103 First Year ASL III G 3
ASL 130 Deaf Studies G 3
ASL 150 Accel ASL G 4
ASL 151 Accel ASL G 5
ASL 201 Second Year ASL IV G B 3
ASL 202 Second Year ASL V G B 3
ASL 203 Second Year ASL VI G B 3
ASL 250 Accel ASL G B 4
ASL 251 Accel ASL G B 5

ATH – Anthropology

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
ATH 101 Intro to Physical Anth G A 4
ATH 102 Intro to Archeol & Prehistory G A 4
ATH 103 Intro to Cultural Anthro G A 4
ATH 207 Cult Anthro: Concepts G A 4
ATH 208 Cult Anthro: World G A 4
ATH 209 Cul Anthro: Growth and Change G A 4
ATH 210 Selected Topics Ethnology G B 4
ATH 211 Selected Topics Anthropol 4
ATH 212 Introduction to Shamanism B 4
ATH 214 Human Environments: Ecol Aspects G B 4
ATH 230 Native Amer of Oregon G A 4
ATH 231 Native Amer of the NW G A 4
ATH 232 Native North Americans G A 4
ATH 235 Survey Prehistoric Mexico 4

BA – Business Administration

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR Info
BA 101 Intro to Business 4 none of the BA courses are listed as Gen Ed or on the AAOT Distribution List
BA 111 Introduction to Accounting 3
BA 113 Business Credit Principles 3
BA 131 Computers in Business 4
BA 160 Purchasing I 3
BA 161 Purchasing II 3
BA 177 Payroll Accounting 3
BA 199 Money Management 1
BA 203 Intro to International Business 3
BA 205 Solving Comm Problems w/ Tech 4
BA 206 Management Fundamentals 3
BA 207 Intro to E-commerce 4
BA 210 Adv Accounting Spreadsheets 3
BA 211 Princ of Accounting I 3
BA 212 Princ of Accounting II 3
BA 213 Princ of Accounting III 3
BA 215 Basic Cost Accounting 3
BA 218 Personal Finance 3
BA 222 Financial Management 3
BA 223 Principles of Marketing 3
BA 224 Human Resource Management 3
BA 226 Business Law I 3
BA 227 Business Law II 3
BA 228 Computer Accounting Applications 3
BA 234 International Marketing 3
BA 237 Fundamentals of Import/Export 3
BA 238 Sales 3
BA 239 Advertising 3
BA 240 Governm Accounting 3
BA 242 Intro to Investments 3
BA 244 Intro to Records Mgmt 3
BA 249 Principles Retail and E-tail 3
BA 250 Small Business Management 3
BA 251 Office Management 3
BA 256 Income Tax 3
BA 270 Global Business Management 3
BA 285 HR Organizations 3

BI – Biology

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
BI 101 B Introductory General Biology G A 4
BI 101 Biology G A 4
BI 102 Biology G A 4
BI 103 Biology G A 4
BI 112 Cell Biology for Health Occupations
BI 121 Introduction to Human A&P I G 4
BI 122 Introduction to Human A&P II G 4
BI 141 Habitats: Life of the Forest G A 4
BI 142 Habitats: Marine Biology G A 4
BI 143 Habitats: Fresh Water G A 4
BI 160 Ecol/Field Biol: Coast 1
BI 161 Ecol/Field Biol: Malheur 2
BI 163 Organic Gardening 3
BI 164 Bird ID and Taxonomy 4
BI 170 Environmental Science G B 4
BI 200 Principles of Ecology: Field Biology G B 4
BI 202 Botany G 4
BI 211 Principles of Biology G A 5
BI 212 Principles of Biology G A 5
BI 213 Principles of Biology G A 5
BI 222 Human Genetics G B 3
BI 231 Human Anatomy and Physiology I G A 4
BI 232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II G A 4
BI 233 Human Anatomy and Physiology III G A 4
BI 234 Microbiology G B 5
BI 237 Appl and Env Micro 4
BI 241 Pathophysiology 3

CG – Counseling and Guidance

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR Info
CG 100 A College Survival and Success 3 none of the CG courses are listed as Gen Ed or on the AAOT Distribution List
CG 100 B College Survival and Success 2
CG 100 C College Survival and Success 1
CG 111 A Study Skills for College Learning 3
CG 111 B Study Skills for College Learning 2
CG 111 C Study Skills for College Learning 1
CG 130 Today's Careers 2
CG 140 A Career Development 3
CG 140 B Career Development 2
CG 140 C Career Development 1
CG 144 Introduction to Assertiveness 1
CG 145 Stress Management 1
CG 146 Value Clarifications 1
CG 147 Decision Making 1
CG 150 Exploring Careers in Science 3
CG 151 Exploring Careers in Science II 3
CG 190 Mentorship of Latino(a) Students 3
CG 209 Job Finding Skills 1

CH – Chemistry

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
CH 100 Fundamentals for Chemistry G B 4
CH 101 Inorganic Chemistry Principles G 5
CH 102 Organic Chemistry Principles G 5
CH 104 General Chemistry G A 5
CH 105 General Chemistry G A 5
CH 106 General Chemistry G A 5
CH 110 ChemExcel 1
CH 211 Intro to Biochemistry 4
CH 221 General Chemistry G A 5
CH 222 General Chemistry G A 5
CH 223 General Chemistry G A 5
CH 241 Organic Chemistry G A 5
CH 242 Organic Chemistry G A 5
CH 243 Organic Chemistry G A 5

CHLA – Chicano/Latino Studies

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR Info
CHLA 201 Intro to Chicano/Latino Studies I 4 none of the CHLA courses are listed as Gen Ed or on the AAOT Distribution List
CHLA 202 Intro to Chicano/Latino Studies II 4
CHLA 203 Intro to Chicano/Latino Studies III 4

CIS – Computer Information Systems

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
CIS 120 Computer Concepts I G B 4
CIS 121 Computer Concepts II G B 4
CIS 122 Software Design G B 4

CJA – Criminal Justice

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR Info
CJA 100 Intro to Profession in CJ 3 none of the CJA courses are listed as Gen Ed or on the AAOT Distribution List
CJA 101 Cult Diversity in CJ Professions 3
CJA 111 Intro to CJ System - Police 3
CJA 112 Intro to CJ System - Courts 3
CJA 113 Intro to CJ System - Corrections 3
CJA 210 Arrest, Search, and Seizure 3
CJA 211 Civil and Ethical Issues 3
CJA 212 Criminal Law 3
CJA 213 Evidence 3
CJA 214 Criminal Investigation 3
CJA 215 Forensic Science and Criminalistics 3
CJA 217 Interviewing and Interrogation 3
CJA 218 Violence and Aggression 3
CJA 222 Intro to Juvenile Process 3
CJA 225 CJ and the US Constitution 3
CJA 228 Theory/Str of Organized Crime 3
CJA 243 Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs 3
CJA 260 Intro to Correctional Institutions 3
CJA 261 Intro to Probation and Parole 3
CJA 262 Intro to Correctional Process 3
CJA 263 Intro to Corrections Casework 3
CJA 264 Intro to Mgmt of Public Safety 3

CS – Computer Science

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
CS 133 U Introduction to C 4
CS 140 U Introduction to UNIX 4
CS 160 Exploring Computer Science G B 4
CS 161 Computer Science I B 4
CS 162 Computer Science II B 4
CS 171 Computer Systems B 4
CS 234 U Accelerated C++ 4
CS 260 Data Structures 4
CS 261 Programming Systems 4
CS 271 Computer Systems II 4

CSS – Crop Soil Science

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR Info
CSS 200 Soils and Plant Nutrition 3 none of the CSS courses are listed as Gen Ed or on the AAOT Distribution List
CSS 299 A Pesticides Safety and Use 1
CSS 299 Pesticides in Sustainable Ag 1

D – Dance

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
D 150 Jazz Dance I 2
D 151 Jazz Dance II 2
D 152 Jazz Dance III 2
D 169 Musical Theatre Dance 2
D 170 Ethnic Dance 2
D 175 A Tap Dance I 2
D 192 A Ballet I 2
D 192 B Ballet II 2
D 209 Dance Performance variable
D 292 Ballet III 2
D 299 M Musical Theatre Dance 1
D 299 Dance Performance 4

EC – Economics

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
EC 200 Introduction to Economics G A 4
EC 201 Princ: Micro G A 4
EC 202 Princ: Macro G A 4
EC 203 Princ: Applications to Econ Issues G A 4
EC 216 Labor Markets: Gender & Work G B 4

ED – Education

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
ED 123 Inst Strategies: Reading 3
ED 124 Instr Strategies: Math/ Science 3
ED 131 Applied Learning Theory 3
ED 136 Computers in Ed 3
ED 200 Intro to Ed for Para Educators 4
ED 205 Tutoring Principles, Practices 5
ED 206 Seminar Adv Ed Techs 3
ED 207 Seminar Adaptive Sign for Sp Pops 3
ED 209 Practicum 3
ED 210 Practicum 3
ED 211 Practicum 3
ED 214 Practicum: Outdoor School 3
ED 216 Practicum: Seminar 1
ED 217 Classroom Management 3
ED 224 Foundations of Education 3
ED 251 Overview of Exceptional Learners 3
ED 252 Behavior Management 3
ED 258 Multicultural Education 3
ED 268 Intro to Dev Disabilities 3
ED 269 Intro to Teaching the LD Student 3
ED 295 Leisure for Special Populations 3
ED 298 C Special Projects 3
ED 298 D Special Projects 4
ED 298 E Special Projects 5

ENG – English

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
ENG 104 Intro Lit Fiction G A 4
ENG 105 Intro Lit Drama G A 4
ENG 106 Intro Lit Poetry G A 4
ENG 107 World Lit Western G A 4
ENG 108 World Lit Western G A 4
ENG 195 Film Studies: Film as Art G A 4
ENG 196 Film Studies: Directors G A 4
ENG 197 Film Studies: Comtemp Themes & G G A 4
ENG 201 Shakespeare G A 4
ENG 202 Shakespeare G A 4
ENG 204 Survey Eng Lit G A 4
ENG 205 Survey Eng Lit G A 4
ENG 207 World Lit Asian G A 4
ENG 208 World Lit Asian G A 4
ENG 209 World Lit Asian G A 4
ENG 212 Biography G B 4
ENG 213 Latin America Lit G A 4
ENG 214 Lit of the NW G B 4
ENG 215 Lit of the Holocaust G A 4
ENG 222 Images of Women G A 4
ENG 240 Intro Native Amer Lit G A 4
ENG 244 Intro Asian Amer Lit G A 4
ENG 250 Intro Folklor and Mythol G A 4
ENG 253 Survey of Amer Lit G A 4
ENG 254 Survey of Amer Lit G A 4
ENG 256 African-American Lit G A 4
ENG 257 African-American Lit G A 4
ENG 258 African-American Lit G A 4
ENG 260 Intro Women Writers G A 4
ENG 261 Lit of Science Fiction G B 4
ENG 265 International Political Poetry G A 4
ENG 275 Bible as Literature G B 4

ENL – English as a Non-Native Language

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
ENL 140 Amer Culture and Comm 5
ENL 150 Intermediate Reading G 5
ENL 152 Intermediate Writing G 5
ENL 154 Intermediate Speaking G 5
ENL 160 Upper Intermed Reading G 5
ENL 162 Upper Intermed Writing G 5
ENL 164 Upper Intermed Speaking G 5
ENL 166 Upper Intermed Pronounciation G 3
ENL 173 Grammar 4
ENL 183 Grammar 4
ENL 240 Amer Culture and Commun II 1
ENL 250 Adv Reading G B 5
ENL 252 Adv Writing G B 5
ENL 253 Adv Supplement Writing G 3
ENL 254 Advanced Speaking & Pronounciation G B 5
ENL 255 Advanced Speaking & Pronounciation G B 3
ENL 257 Advanced Pronounciation 2
ENL 260 Upper Advanced Reading G B 5
ENL 262 Upper Advanced Writing G B 5
ENL 264 Upper Advanced Speak & Pronoun G B 5
ENL 265 Upper Advanced Speaking G B 3
ENL 267 Upper Advanced Pronounciation 2

ESR – Environmental Studies

Course # Title Gen Ed AAOT A or B CR
ESR 150 Env Studies Orientation 1
ESR 160 Intro to Env Systems 4
ESR 171 Env Science: Biological G A 4
ESR 172 Env Science: Chemical G A 4
ESR 173 Env Science: Geological G A 4
ESR 201 Appl Env Studies: Science/Policy 4
ESR 202 Appl Env Studies: Problem Solv 4
ESR 203 Appl Env Studies: Project 4