Portland Community College Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

Agenda 5-26-2006

Prerequisite Implementation Committee May 26, 2006 Agenda CPWTC, 9-11

  1. Review of Previous Meeting
  2. Updates
    • Curriculum/Models Research Update – Theresa and Ron
    • Enrollment Services Critical Issues Update – Craig
    • Data Analysis Update – Laura
    • Chairs Update – Porter
    • Committee-Chairs Recommendation and Committee Discussion
      • Course levels, student population, timelines, SAC work
    • Continued information-sharing on related activities throughout the college
      • DE SAC Update
      • Learning Communities Proposal
      • History 100 Course Proposal
      • Linked DE Courses at Rock Creek
      • Gateway to College Academic Success Courses
      • Mandatory Advising

Final '06 Meeting: Friday, June 9, 9-11, CPWTC