Portland Community College Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

Academic Policy Handbook ARCHIVE

Appendix B

This information is no longer current

Educational Advisory Council By-Laws and Standing Rules

1. Name

Educational Advisory Council (EAC)

2. Object of the organization


To work with the college community to explore and examine issues concerning the educational experience at Portland Community College and to create and recommend district-wide policies and standards.

  1. To provide opportunities for exchanging views regarding educational issues at PCC – whether initiated by students, faculty, staff, or administration. To create and propose policies responsive to these issues in light of the input offered and to recommend changes to the curriculum and degrees and certificates, as well as new degrees and certificates.
  2. To facilitate open and honest communication regarding educational policies to all of those affected by those policies.
  3. To provide an open forum for all voices within the instructional and student development communities.
  4. To advance discussion of administrative decisions affecting the educational experience.

The EAC crafts and revises policies and standards pertaining to academic, curricular, student development, and student governance issues. The objectives are

  1. To work within standing and ad hoc committees, the EAC crafts and revises policies and standards pertaining to academic, curricular, student development and student governance issues.
  2. To accept and review recommendations about policies, curriculum, degrees and certificates, and standards from the Standing Committees and ad hoc committees.
  3. To make recommendations about policies, curriculum, degrees and certificates, and standards to the District President.
  4. To periodically review existing policies and standards and to anticipate and respond to the changing needs of the PCC community.

3. Membership

  1. Membership shall include students, administrators, staff and faculty drawn from the subject areas, programs, and locations of the college. The resulting membership will be broad and representative in composition. Faculty will constitute a majority of the EAC members.
    1. Voting Members
      1. Students: one student from each of the campuses on which there is a recognized student government.
      2. Administrators: The Deans of Instruction from each of the campuses, a Dean of Student Development from one of the comprehensive campuses, the Dean of Enrollment Services, and a Division Dean from each of the campuses
      3. Faculty: continuous appointment faculty members broadly representative of instructional areas support services, and campuses; and at least four part-time faculty representative of the college's campuses and disciplines (this is to be viewed as a goal, reflective of potential recruitment challenges).
      4. Three Academic Professionals, at least one from Advising.
      5. Two classified employees.
      6. One Student Leadership Coordinator for one of the campuses.
    2. Non-voting Members
      1. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, an ex-officio member, shall serve as the EAC's resource person and shall be responsible for publication and distribution of agendas, minutes and other official documents.
      2. A Campus President, rotating among the campuses.
      3. The Deans of Instruction from contracting colleges, such as Columbia Gorge and Tillamook Bay Community Colleges.
      4. The past EAC chair.
      5. Standing committee chairs who are not appointed members of the EAC.
      6. Dean of Curriculum and Support
  2. Terms of membership
    1. Terms of membership shall be as follows:
      • Student Leadership Coordinator - Three Years
      • Students – One year, renewable
      • Deans of Instruction - Continuous
      • Division Deans - Three Years
      • Dean of Student Development - Three Years
      • Dean of Enrollment Services - Continuous
      • Full-time continuous appointment faculty - Three Years
      • Academic Professionals - Three Years
      • Part-time faculty – One year, renewable for up to six years
      • Classified Staff - Three Years
      • Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs - Continuous
      • Campus President - Three Years
      • Deans of Instruction: CGCC and TBCC - Continuous
      • Dean of Curriculum and Support - Continuous
      • Past EAC Chair - One year (immediately following term of office)
    2. Terms shall begin on July 1 of each year.
    3. Length of service for voting members shall not exceed two permanent, consecutive terms.
    4. If a member resigns leaving two quarters or more to be served, the Membership Committee shall appoint a temporary replacement with confirmation of the full EAC and the District President.
    5. Committee members must inform the Chair of the EAC prior to absences; no proxies shall be allowed. For members serving a term, multiple absences could result in replacement on the EAC.
    6. As members are needed, the Membership Committee shall contact members of the PCC community – faculty, SAC chairs, ASPCC, or the appropriate administrator – and shall do initial screening as requested by the EAC Chair. Appointments shall be made by the District President from a list of nominees approved by the EAC.

[ Last amended and approved: February, 2007.]

4. Officers and their election

Prior to May of each year, members of the EAC shall nominate and elect a Chair who shall serve during the following academic year. The Chair will be a faculty member whose length of service shall not exceed five consecutive years.

5. Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held at least once a month during the academic year.
  2. The first meeting of each academic year shall be at Sylvania. Thereafter, meetings may rotate among the Rock Creek, Cascade, Southeast, and Sylvania campuses.
  3. Meetings shall be open to the public. Attendees wishing to address the EAC shall sign in at the beginning of the meeting.

Standing committees

  1. Standing Committees:
    1. Curriculum/General Education: The Curriculum/General Education Committee will review and evaluate requested changes in the curriculum and the designation of courses for general education, cultural diversity, and the A or B transfer list. They report their recommendations to the EAC.
    2. Membership: The Membership Committee will recommend EAC members and any replacements needed. Each year they will hold elections for the EAC chair.
    3. Student Development: The Student Development Committee will review and recommend policies and procedures that directly affect student life at PCC.
    4. Policy: The Academic Standards and Practices Committee will review and develop the academic policies of the college and recommends them to the EAC.
    5. Degrees and Certificates: The Degrees and Certificates Committee will review and evaluate requested changes to PCC degrees and certificates and recommend new degrees and certificates. They report their findings to the EAC.
  2. Standing committee chairs shall be appointed by the EAC chair and will, with EAC approval, serve one year, renewable.
  3. Standing committee members shall be appointed by the committee Chair, with approval of the EAC, and may include both EAC members and others. As much as possible, committee membership shall be broadly representative of different subject areas, programs, and locations of the college.

Standing rules

  1. The EAC chair and the chairs of the standing committees shall meet monthly with the District President.
  2. Rules of Order: Robert's Rules of Order.
  3. Order of Business: The agenda shall be developed by the Chair with input from members of the EAC, standing committee chairs, and/or members of the college community.
    1. Agendas for an EAC meeting shall be distributed at least seven days before the meeting.
    2. Minutes of an EAC meeting shall be distributed within fourteen days following the meeting.
    3. Agenda and minutes shall be distributed to the college community.