This information is no longer current; content is covered in G303
See current policy
Graduation Petition Policy
*- Students must petition for a degree and/or certificate within one year of completing applicable course work. The final nine credits that apply to a degree and/or certificate must be taken at Portland Community College.
- Students will be graduated and/or certified according to the requirements of the catalog in force when they enroll unless they choose to graduate and/or certify under a later catalog. No catalog is valid for longer than the summer term following the sixth academic year after the issuance of the catalog. Students not enrolled for two or more continuous terms will be graduated and/or certified according to the requirements in force when they re-enroll unless they choose to graduate and/or certify under a later catalog. For students enrolled in programs that are accredited or licensed, students must graduate and/or certify under the program requirements most recently approved by the accrediting agency and/or licensing authority.
Effective Date: July 1, 1990