Portland Community College Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

Academic Policy Handbook ARCHIVE


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Articulation Of College Credit For High School Work

(Advanced Placement)

Portland Community College will allow college credit for work completed in high school. A specific articulation agreement between the high school/district and Portland Community College is required prior to the awarding and transcripting of courses. The Dean of Academic Services will initially approve and annually review all articulation agreements. The following procedures shall apply:

Lower Division Collegiate

High school courses for which PCC will give college credit shall contain substantially the same content and be taught at a level commensurate with the PCC course. Prior to the Dean of Academic Services' approval, the high school course content or curriculum guide shall be reviewed by the appropriate SACC.

High school courses that are articulated with PCC lower division collegiate courses shall be taught by faculty who meet PCC qualifications unless waived by the Dean of Academic Services.

Vocational Education

Vocational courses/programs that are articulated with PCC shall substantially meet the course/program requirements of the PCC program.

Vocational programs may initiate block or program transfer agreements when course by course articulation is not feasible and program require- ments can be identified as having been met by the high school program.

PCC will grant college credit to those students in approved high school courses who:

  1. Request transcripting of credit
  2. Pay required fees, if applicable
  3. Complete the agreed upon high school requirements and/or pass the agreed upon PCC exam. An "A" or "B" grade in the high school course may be required in some agreements.