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Associate Degree Requirements - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer
Candidates for an Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer, must complete the following:
- Comprehensive Degree Requirements (Refer to Policy A-106)
- General Requirements
- Writing, 9 quarter hours with grade of "C" or higher WR 121, 122 and 123 or 227 or passing a writing course for which WR 121 is listed as a prerequisite
- Mathematics, 4 quarter hours with grade of "C" or higher* Math 111A, 111B, or 111C or above**
* courses may apply to science/mathematics, section "b" of the Distribution Requirements.
** two terms of Math 211, 212 or 213 Foundations of Elementary Math are necessary to meet this requirement - Oral Communication and Rhetoric, 3 quarter hours with grade of "C" or higher Speech 111, 112 or 113*
* courses may apply to Arts and Letters, section "b" - Diversity: Students completing the Oregon Transfer Degree must successfully complete (grade C or higher) one diversity course selected from the Oregon Transfer Degree distribution list in the college catalog. The primary purpose of a diversity course is to examine the contributions and perspectives of people whose lives and works have traditionally been omitted from, or marginally regarded in standard Western Culture studies. The Course Content Guide for a diversity course must clearly demonstrate this purpose as the predominate focus of th course.*
* course may apply to section "a" or "b" (See courses listed on pages 4 through 12) - Health and Physical Education, 3 quarter hours with grade of "C" or higher Health & Fitness for Life (HPE 295), 3 credits or Personal Health (HE 250), plus 1 credit of PE
- Distribution Requirements
- Areas of Distribution (see list - pages 4 through 12)
Arts and Letters
Social Science
Science/Mathematics - 6 quarter courses in 2 areas
- 5 quarter courses in the third area
- One sequence or cluster in all three areas (see section "a" sequence course list on pages 4 through 12)
- Courses in section "b" related course list (pages 4 through 12) in disciplines different from courses taken in section "a"
- Candidates may take all courses in section "a" to meet distribution requirements, provided the clusters or sequences are in different disciplines
- Areas of Distribution (see list - pages 4 through 12)
Candidates for an Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer, must select dis- tribution courses from the following list. Courses marked ** will satisfy the Diversity requirement. A maximum of 24-quarter hours with pass/no pass may be applied to the distribution requirements.
Besides the traditional field definitions given for the humanities, expressed quite succinctly in the many National Endowment for the Humanities publications, there are other more procedural approaches to the problem; some of these derive from traditional expectations for such courses, others focus on the student's relationship to the content of the course and the ways that content is presented.
A useful method for getting at these non-field definitions is to ask certain questions:
- Does the course rely on primary text or texts which address, analyze, or comment upon the question of what it means to be human? Does it use secondary or summation materials and to what degree?
- Does the course focus on questions of value, ethics, belief; and does the course attempt to place such questions in a historical context?
- Does the course attempt an examination or analysis of the discipline to which it belongs; in other words, does the course provide students with a way of seeing the approach to the subject or subjects involved as one way among others of discussing text?
- Does the course attend to the role that language plays in the discipline and in ways the subject is understood and has been understood?
- Does the course provide students with access to the thinking and feelings of the discipline's respected and acknowledged contributors?
- Does the course provide students an opportunity to meaningfully interact with the texts of the discipline and with each other, through discussion and writing about the perspectives on the human condition that such texts provide?
- Does the course and the discipline to which it belongs value and seriously examine the subjective response to human experiences?
Note: The word "text" as used here implies the more current, generic definition of contemporary critical theory, which includes all of the artifacts of a discipline – books, dramatic productions, visual and aural images including those in dance and film. Obviously, not all courses can do all of the above things, nor are the above criteria specific only to humanities courses; however, it's safe to say that humanities courses are primarily concerned with the above criteria.
Implementation Date: Fall Term 1998
Candidates for the Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer Degree must select distribution courses from the following lists. Courses marked ** will satisfy the diversity requirement.
Arts and Letters (a) sequence courses and (b) related courses
List A Courses
ART 101, 102, 103 Introduction to Art
ART 204, 205, 206 History of Western Art
ART 207**, 208**, 209** History of Asian Art
ART 211, 212, 213 Modern Art History
List B Courses
ART 115, 116, 117 Basic Design
ART 131 Introduction to Drawing
ART 141 Introduction to Photography (Non-darkroom)
ART 142 Introduction to Photography (Darkroom)
ART 143 Photography II
ART 181 Introduction to Painting
ART 210** Women in Art
ART 231 Drawing
ART 237 Life Drawing
ART 253 Ceramics I
ART 256 Ceramics II
ART 277 Life Painting
ART 281 Painting
ART 284 Watercolor I
ART 287 Watercolor II
ART 293 Sculpture
ART/WLD 295 Sculpture: Welding II
List B Courses
D 150, 151, 152 Jazz Dance I, II, III
D 169 Musical Theater Dance
D 192A, 192B, 292 Ballet I, II, III
D 251** Introduction to Dance
D 260 Dance Improvisation & Choreography
List A Courses
HUM 201 Humanities and Tech: Exploring Origins and
HUM 202 Humanities and Tech: Contemporary Issues and
HUM 203 Humanities and Tech: Future Directions
HUM 204** African History and
HUM 205** African Literature and
HUM 206** African Art
List B Courses
HUM 106 British Life and Culture
HUM 221 Leadership Through the Classics
Modern Languages
List B Courses
ASL 201 American Sign Language IV
ASL 202 American Sign Language V
ASL 203 American Sign Language VI
ASL 250 Accelerated American Sign Language
ASL 251 Accelerated American Sign Language
ENL 250, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 272 English as a Non-Native Language
FR 201, 202, 203 Second-Year French
FR 250, 251 Second-Year French
FR 256, 257 Accelerated French
FR 260A, 261A, 262A French: Culture
FR 270A, 271A**, 272A** Readings in French Literature
FR 290A French: Composition
GER 201, 202, 203 Second-Year German
GER 250, 251 Second-Year German
GER 256, 257 Accelerated German
GER 260A, 261A, 262A German: Culture
GER 270A, 271A, 272A Readings in German Literature
JPN 201, 202, 203 Second-Year Japanese
JPN 250, 251 Second-Year Japanese
JPN 260A**, 261A**, 262A** Japanese: Culture
RUS 201, 202, 203 Second-Year Russian
RUS 250, 251 Second-Year Russian
RUS 262R Russian Culture in Russia
RUS 270A, 271A, 272A Readings in Russian Literature
SPA 201, 202, 203 Second-Year Spanish
SPA 250, 251 Second-Year Spanish
SPA 256, 257 Accelerated Spanish
SPA 260A**, 261A**, 262A Spanish: Culture
SPA 260M** Spanish Culture (Mexico)
SPA 270A**, 271A**, 272A Readings in Spanish Literature
List A Courses
ENG 104, 105, 106 Introduction to Literature
ENG 107, 108, 109 World Literature: Western
ENG 195, 196, 197 Film as Literature
ENG 201, 202, 203 Shakespeare
ENG 204, 205, 206 Survey of English Literature
ENG 207**, 208**, 209** World Literature: Asian
ENG 253, 254, 255 Survey of American Literature
ENG 256**, 257**, 258** African American Literature
Three terms chosen from:
ENG 211** Contemporary African Literature
ENG 213** Latin American Literature
ENG 222** Images of Women in Literature
ENG 240** Introduction to Native American Literature
ENG 250** Introduction to Folklore and Mythology
ENG 256** African American Literature
ENG 260** Introduction to Women Writers
ENG 265** International Political Poetry
List B Courses
ENG 212 Biography
ENG 214 Literature of the Northwest
ENG 261 Literature of Science Fiction
ENG 275 Bible as Literature Music
List A Courses
MUS 111, 112A, 113 Music Theory
MUS 201A, 202, 203 Introduction to Music and Its Literature
MUS 205**, 206**, 207** Introduction to Jazz History, History of Rock Music, History of Folk Music
MUS 208**, 209**, 210** African-American Music
List B Courses
MUS 105 Music Appreciation
MUS 106 Opera Appreciation
MUS 110 Fundamentals of Music
MUS 131 Group Vocal
MUS 220 Chorus
MUS 221 Chorus: Chamber Choir
List A Courses
PHL 191 Language & the Layout of Argument
PHL 193 Evaluation of Practical Argument
and one of:
PHL 195 Critical Thinking: Science & the Occult
PHL 197 TV and the Presentation of Reality
PHL 201, 202 Introduction to Philosophy
and one of:
PHL 204 Philosophy of Religion
PHL 209 Business Ethics
PHL 222 Elementary Aesthetics
List B Courses
PHL 205 Biomedical Ethics
PHL 208 Political Philosophy
PHL 221 Symbolic Logic
List B Courses
SP 100 Introduction to Speech Communication
SP 105 Listening
SP 111, 112, 113 Fundamentals of Speech
SP 130 Business and Professional Speech
SP 140** Introduction to Intercultural Communication
SP 215 Small Group Communications
SP 217 Persuasion
SP 227 Non-verbal Communication
SP 229 Oral Interpretation
SP 237** Gender and Communication
Theater Arts
List B Courses
TA 101 Theater Appreciation
TA 141, 142, 143 Fundamentals of Acting Technique
TA 144 Improvisational Theater
TA 148 Movement for the Stage
TA 155 Readers Theater
TA 180A, 253A** Theater Rehearsal and Performance
TA 190A, 290A Projects in Theater
TA 240 Beginning Pantomime
TA 241, 242, 243 Intermediate Acting Technique
TA 261 Introduction to Costuming
List B Courses
WR 241, 242, 243 Creative Writing
WR 244, 245, 246 Creative Writing
Women's Studies
List B Courses
WS 101** Introduction to Women's Studies
List A Courses
ATH 101, 102, 103 General Anthropology
ATH 207, 208, 209 Cultural Anthropology
ATH 214 Human Environments: Ecological Aspects and
ATH 215 Human Environments: Energy Consideration and
ATH 216 Human Environments: Productivity
ATH 230** Native Americans of Oregon and
ATH 231** Native Americans of the Northwest and
ATH 232** Native North Americans
List B Courses
ATH 210** Selected Topics in Ethnography
ATH 211, 212, 213 Introduction to Field Archeology
List A Courses
EC 201 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
EC 202 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
and one of:
EC 200 Principles of Economics: Introduction to Institutions and Philosophies
EC 203 Economic Issues
List B Courses
EC 115 Outlines of Economics
EC 216 Introduction to Labor Economics
EC 230 Contemporary World Economic Issues
List A Courses
GEO 105, 106, 107 Introduction to Human Cultural Geography
List B Courses
GEO 202 Geography of Europe
GEO 206 Geography of Oregon
GEO 208, 209 Physical Geography
GEO 210 The Natural Environment
GEO 214** Geography of Mexico
GEO 221 Field Geography
GEO 265 Introduction to GIS
GEO 290 Environmental Problems
List A Courses
HST 101, 102, 103 Western Civilization
HST 104**, 105**, 106** History of Eastern Civilization
HST 201, 202, 203 History of the United States
HST 204**, 205**, 206** History of Women in the US
HST 274**, 275**, 276** Afro-American History
List B Courses
HST 218** Native American History
HST 220 Labor History
HST 225** History of Women, Sex and the Family
HST 240 Oregon's Social History
HST 246, 247 Religion in the United States
HST 270** History of Mexico
HST 277 Oregon Trail
HST 278 Russian History I
HST 279 Russian History II
HST 285 The Holocaust
Political Science
List A Courses
PS 201, 202 American Governments and
PS 203 State and Local Government
List B Courses
PS 204 Comparative Political Systems
PS 205 International Relations
PS 211 Peace and Conflict
PS 220 American Foreign Policy and World Order
PS 225 Political Ideology
List A Courses
PSY 201, 202, 203 General Psychology
PSY 201A**, 202A**, 203A** General Psychology: Gender Perspectives
List B Courses
PSY 101 Psychology and Human Relations
PSY 213 Brain, Mind and Behavior
PSY 214 Introduction to Personality
PSY 215 Human Development
PSY 216 Social Psychology
PSY 220 Psychology: Applied
PSY 222** Family and Intimate Relationships
PSY 231, 232 Human Sexuality
PSY 239 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
PSY 240 Interpersonal Awareness and Growth Techniques
List A Courses
SOC 204, 205, 206 General Sociology
List B Courses
SOC 213** Diversity In America
SOC 215 ** Global Studies: Social Issues
SOC 218** Sociology of Gender
SOC 223 Social Gerontology/Sociology of Aging
SOC 228 Introduction to Environmental Sociology
SOC 230 Introduction to Gerontology
SOC 232 Death and Dying
SOC 240 Sociology of Work and Leisure
List A Courses
BI 101, 102, 103 Biology
BI 141, 142, 143 Habitats
BI 211, 212, 213 Principles of Biology
BI 231, 232, 233 Human Anatomy & Physiology I, II, III
List B Courses
BI 104 Secret of Life
BI 200 Principles of Ecology: Field Biology
BI 222 Human Genetics
BI 234 Microbiology
BI 235 Microbiology
List A Courses
CH 104, 105, 106 General Chemistry
CH 201, 202, 203 General Chemistry
CH 221, 222, 223 General Chemistry
CH 241, 242, 243 Organic Chemistry
List B Courses
CH 100 Fundamentals for Chemistry
Computer Science
List B Courses
CIS 120, 121 Computer Concepts I, II
CIS 122 Software Design
CS 250 Discrete Structures
CS 251 Logical Structures
CS 161, 162 Computer Science: Pascal I, II
CS 171, 264 Assembler Language I, II
List A Courses
G 201, G 202 Physical Geology and
G 203 Historical Geology
List B Courses
G 207 Introduction to Geology of the Pacific Northwest
G 208 Volcanoes and their Activity
G 291 Elements of Rocks and Minerals
General Science
List A Courses
ESR 171 Environmental Science: Bio Perspectives and
ESR 172 Environmental Science: Chem Perspectives and
ESR 173 Environmental Science: Geo Perspectives
Three of the following courses:
GS 106 Physical Science: Geology
GS 107 Physical Science: Astronomy
GS 108 Physical Science: Oceanography
GS 109 Physical Science: Meteorology
List B Courses
MTH 111A, 111B, 111C College Algebra
MTH 112 Elementary Functions
MTH 116 Calculus Preparation
MTH 211, 212, 213 Foundations of Elementary Math I, II, III
MTH 231 Elements of Discrete Mathematics I
MTH 241 Calculus for Mgmt, Life & Social Science
MTH 243, 244 Statistics I, II
MTH 251 Calculus I
MTH 252 Calculus II
MTH 253 Calculus III
MTH 254 Vector Calculus I
MTH 256 Differential Equations
MTH 261 Applied Linear Algebra
List A Courses
PHY 121, 122, 123 Elementary Astronomy
PHY 201, 202, 203 General Physics
PHY 211, 212, 213 General Physics
List B Courses
PHY 101 Fundamentals of Physics