Wheelchair Charging Stations

What is a wheelchair charging station?

A wheelchair charging station provides power wheelchair users the ability to charge their wheelchairs/scooters on site at any of the four main PCC campuses.  The chargers can be used by students, employees and visitors. 

Where are the wheelchair charging stations located?

Note: All chargers are located on the first floor for easier access.

  • Each campus also has an extra Wheelchair Charger that is portable.  This can be brought to a person who might need a charger in a different location.  For example, if a student’s wheelchair needs a charge while they are in class.  Or if a visitor is at the PAC and their battery dies, the portable charger can be brought to them.  These chargers are located in the Accessible Education and Disability Resources (AEDR) offices on each campus.  If you need to use the portable charger, please contact the AEDR office on your campus, or the Public Safety non-emergency number: 971-722-4902