Black Stripe by Mark Andres

  • Title: Black Stripe
  • Artist: Mark Andres
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Size: 24"h x 36"w
  • Donor: On loan from artist
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B7/2 Administration office

Perception in painting may lead to strange decisions. This painting of the artist's backyard where a neighbor's house gleaming in the sunlight became so abrasive the artist had to close his eyes and saw an after-image of the house surrounded by a black stripe is the origin of this painting. To translate this sensation into a painting required a graphic move – a black strip and a white drawing. Charlie Parker once noted that if one "acts a little silly, good ideas will come." This painting is an attempt to honor that idea. The Blue Jays could not care less.

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