Confetti Stripes and Aluminum Too by Melvin Katz

  • Title: Confetti Stripes and Aluminum Too
  • Artist: Melvin Katz
  • Medium: Plastic laminate and vinyl
  • Size: 96"h x 48"w
  • Added to collection: 2008
  • Donor: Gift of the artist
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B2/2 Hallway

In the late 1980's, Mel Katz abandoned the traditional materials of sculpture and began, instead, to work with such non-art media as sheet vinyl. With its "faux" surfaces and brilliant colors, Katz asks us to take another look at the idea of large-scale sculpture and how it interacts with our environment. Although this piece is abstract, Katz also references the human form—note the pinstriped legs and printed torso.