Dog Day 2 by George Johanson

  • Title: Dog Day 2
  • Artist: George Johanson
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Size: 43"h x 64"w
  • Added to collection: 2004
  • Donor: Purchased by Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B2/1 North Stairwell gallery

George Johanson's long career has unfolded in Portland, where he first studied, then taught, at the Pacific Northwest College of Art. He is renowned as a painter and printmaker with a rich palette of expressionist color. Johanson draws his subject matter from the landscape and the people of Portland. His scenes unfold along the city's riverfront, streets, and hillsides; his characters include a rich assortment of artists, athletes, musicians, dogs, and cats. Rock Creek is fortunate to have several works by Johanson in its collections.

Cascade Gym (CAGYM)
Cascade Hall (CH)
Jackson Hall (JH)
Library (LB)
Margaret Carter Technology Education Building (TEB)
Moriarty Arts Humanities Building (MAHB)
Paragon Building (PAR)
Public Safety (PS)
Public Service Education Building (PSEB)
Student Services Building (SSB)
Student Union (SU)
Terrell Hall (TH)
Underground Garage
Building 1 (BLDG1)
Building 2 (BLDG2)
Building 3 (BLDG3)
Building 4 (BLDG4)
Building 5 (BLDG5)
Aviation Hangar (BLDG6)
Building 7 (BLDG7)
Building 9 (BLDG9)
Building 10 (BLDG10)
Child Development Center (CD)
Administration Hall (ADM)
Community Hall Annex (COMX)
Library (LIBR)
Mt Scott Hall (SCOTT)
Mt Tabor Hall (TABOR)
Student Commons (SCOM)
Amo De Bernardis College Center (CC)
Automotive Metals (AM)
Automotive Storage (ASB)
Bookstore (BK)
Child Development Center (CDC)
College Services Building (CSB)
Communications Technology (CT)
Heat Plant (HP)
Health Technology (HT)
Library (LIB)
Performing Arts Center (PAC)
Science Technology (ST)
Social Science (SS)
South Classroom Building (SCB)
Technology Classroom Building (TCB)
Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC)
Downtown Center (DC)
Hillsboro Center (HC)
Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue (oc42oc)
Newberg Education Center (NEC)
Trades Education Center (STC)
Willow Creek Opportunity Center (WCC)
Vanport Building