Door into Summer by Mark Andres

  • Title: Door into Summer
  • Artist: Mark Andres
  • Medium: Oil on canvas
  • Size: 35"h x 31"w
  • Added to collection: 2004
  • Donor: Gift of Richard Helzer
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B2/2 Hallway outside rm 257

When Richard Helzer received the Gordon Galbraith Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2004, it came with a $1500 stipend, which he wanted to use to buy art for Rock Creek Campus.  He bought a drawing by Joseph Mann (Dawn Sterns) and this painting by Mark Andres, a view through the artist's studio's French doors into his backyard.  Helzer was a great supporter of artists, and both Andres and Mann were grateful to him for this honor.  This painting of Andres' recently completed studio was an attempt to convey expansive possibility.  The title is a reference to a science fiction novel by Robert Heinlein about a cat who won't go outside in the snow because he is looking for a "door into summer."

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