Intersecting Spheres by Ron Mills de Pinyas

  • Title: Intersecting Spheres
  • Artist: Ron Mills de Pinyas
  • Medium: Oil on canvas
  • Size: 47"h x 59"w
  • Donor: Gift of Maribel Pinyas
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B3/2 S Hallway

Ron Mills de Pinyas received his MFA from Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, CA, where he studied studio art, philosophy, and religion. He is a professor of studio art at Linfield College, and is known for his large-scale paintings and murals. Mills de Pinyas’s work investigates the tension between a richly textured background—he refers to it as a “granular layer”—from which figures seem to emerge, as if in a state of becoming and of floating to the surface of a primordial essence.

Cascade Gym (CAGYM)
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Library (LB)
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Underground Garage
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Building 4 (BLDG4)
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Aviation Hangar (BLDG6)
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Administration Hall (ADM)
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Library (LIBR)
Mt Scott Hall (SCOTT)
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Amo De Bernardis College Center (CC)
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