Italian Landscape by Mark Andres

  • Title: Italian Landscape
  • Artist: Mark Andres
  • Medium: Acrylic on canvas
  • Size: 14.5"h x 17.5"w
  • Donor: On loan from artist
  • Campus: Rock Creek

Andres travelled to Italy with 20 PCC students in 2005 for a two week immersion in landscape painting and art history team taught with Andres' colleague, art historian Susanne Tringali (who also has art in the Rock Creek collection). In the two hour window between the end of his teaching day and the beginning of dinner, Andres set up his easel and painted the old farm buildings nestled in the ridges of  the Tuscan hills.  The group was staying at Castelfiorentino outside Florence at an "agriturismo" (agricultural tourism) bed and breakfast which afforded splendid views and proximity to major art museums and cathedrals.  This painting was made from the upper olive orchard looking towards the main farmhouse where the host family lived.


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