Las Flores de la Musica by Manuel Izquierdo

  • Title: Las Flores de la Musica
  • Artist: Manuel Izquierdo
  • Medium: Woodcut
  • Size: 30"h x 18"w
  • Creation date: 1965
  • Added to collection: 2008
  • Donor: The Bill Rhoades Collection, a gift in memory of Murna and Vay Rhoades
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B9/1 Hallway gallery

Manuel Izquierdo's exuberant and graphically inventive prints celebrate the spectacle of life—circuses, rodeos, beautiful women, and lush flowers—as well as a deeper world of myths, folklore and legends.  While he was proficient with a number of printmaking techniques, Izquierdo was drawn to the immediacy of the woodblock. This masterfully carved print in which each texture and shape has a vividly different pattern is like a whole orchestra of marks that together create the feeling of a burst of music.  Izquierdo's woodcuts have a strong relationship to those of Jack McLarty, George Johanson and Eunice Parsons, all of whom are in the Rock creek Collection, and all of whom taught at the Portland Art Museum's School (now the Pacific Northwest College of Art).

Cascade Gym (CAGYM)
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Building 4 (BLDG4)
Building 5 (BLDG5)
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