Traverse B by Patrick Kelly

  • Title: Traverse B
  • Artist: Patrick Kelly
  • Medium: Graphite
  • Size: 11"h x 15"w
  • Creation date: 2014
  • Added to collection: 2016
  • Donor: Purchased by Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B3/2 Drawing gallery rm 228

The use of traditional materials for this drawing (graphite, black paper) do not resemble any traditional drawing. They look sculptural, like poured lead; or they look photographic, as if the textures describe a complex geologic formation; or they look interactive, since the graphite's reflectivity shifts dramatically as one moves even slightly.  But no, this is just a drawing-- made with such laborious and obsessive intensity that after one realizes  what one is looking at, wondering how it was made immediately involves the viewer's imagination of time: this took hours and hours, perhaps days, perhaps weeks.  The thickly built up marks become a trace of time, like rings on a tree. Patrick Kelly has made an artifact of repetitive action that becomes a kind of calendar.

This drawing, along with "Carbon Trace 19" in the Rock Creek Art Collection, were part of the artist's series he exhibited in 2015 at Nationale (Portland).

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