Laurelhurst Park by Angelina Marino-Heidel

  • Title: Laurelhurst Park
  • Artist: Angelina Marino-Heidel
  • Medium: Oil pastel on paper
  • Size: 28.5"h x 38.5"w
  • Creation date: 1997
  • Added to collection: 2013
  • Donor: Gift of Jacqui Koch
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B2/2 Office 210H

The artist made this when she lived across the street from Laurelhurst Park off 38th and Stark Street in Portland. She describes the image as a celebration of the beauty of the park but also a reminiscence of her childhood in Sublimity, Oregon and jumping rope at the grade school playground. The medium is oil pastel on a large sheet of black paper, donated by an architect friend.  The style may evoke Gustav Klimt as an influence, as well as the artist’s interest in particle theory.

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