Untitled, (shadow) by Eunice Parsons

  • Title: Untitled, (shadow)
  • Artist: Eunice Parsons
  • Medium: Collage
  • Size: 15"h x 15"w
  • Creation date: 2014
  • Added to collection: 2019
  • Donor: Gift of Mark Andres
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B2/1 Hallway gallery rm 115

This collage is made of a handful or simple shapes and a can of black spray paint, yet it creates space and atmosphere.  The empty middle of brilliant white with shapes lurking in the periphery provides narrative intrigue. Parsons often resolved her collages with spray paint, a medium which evokes the modulated tones in French graphic design, the tubular, shaded forms of Fernand Léger,  and the airbrushed elegance of Art Deco.  Parsons, who taught at the Museum Art School (PNCA) for over 20 years and was known as a "blunt and brilliant" teacher,  could also be ruthlessly critical of her own works. Of one of her failed collages she remarked: "You can have all the ingredients and yet you have nothing!"

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