Vuillard You Inspire Me by Carol Beckerman

  • Title: Vuillard You Inspire Me
  • Artist: Carol Beckerman
  • Medium: Acrylic on paper
  • Size: 11x15"
  • Creation date: 2014
  • Added to collection: 2015
  • Donor: Gift of the artist
  • Campus: Rock Creek
  • Location: B5/2 Social Science reception office-rm 245

The title is a reference to the French artist, Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940), whose dark and richly patterned interiors of compressed spaces are evoked here.  A woman sits at a table with a child in a domestic setting.  The dark patterns punctuated by lights and mid tones create a moody feeling as well as a sense of abstraction. Beckerman takes what could be a very static image with two centralized figures and creates a sense of mystery, intimacy and motion.

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