Transportation solutions
Trimet HOP Cards
Emergency Trimet HOP Cards for single-day use are available in the Basic Needs Hubs and Panther Pantries. These passes are only available to current PCC students and a student ID is required. Please note, supplies are limited.
- Cascade Cascade Hall, Room 102
- Rock Creek Building 5, Room 113
- Southeast Mt. Tabor Building, Room 152
- Sylvania CC Building, Room 216
TriMet Reduced Fare Program
This program offers Honored Citizen Hop cards with reduced fares ($1.40 for 2½ hours or $28/month) and the first month is FREE. Students who receive a Pell Grant or participate in a government benefits assistance program like OHP, SNAP or TANF, or who meet household income requirements qualify. Applications can be found on the TriMet website, or PCC students can bring their benefits documentation to a PCC Basic Needs Hub or Bookstore to receive assistance with the application process.
Bike Rentals
The Basic Needs, Sustainability & Leadership Bike Program aims to increase access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable transportation. Through the integration of long-term bicycle loans, education, and recreation, the Bike Program will enhance the physical and cultural development of students. PCC Students can rent a bike for $15 per term! Bikes may be checked out for the duration of one or a maximum of three consecutive terms. Our bike fleet includes a mix of mountain and hybrid-style bikes equipped with fenders, a rack, lights, a bell, and a sturdy U-Lock. Students who rent a bike also receive a helmet to keep! Apply for a bike rental.
PCC Bike Program
Free advice, support, and basic adjustments by an experienced bike mechanic. Bike shops are available to current students, staff and faculty. For more information contact: [opens in new window]
Bike Lockers
Bike Lockers are available at Sylvania, Southeast, and Cascade. These lockers are available to any PCC student or employee and they must provide their own lock.
- Sylvania
- Location: North side of the Health Technology (HT) Building
- Available on a first-come, first-served basis, no application needed
- Cascade
- Locations: Margaret Carter Tech Ed Building (TEB), Cascade Gym (CAGYM), Student Services Building (SSB)
- Application required
- Southeast
- Location: Southwest corner of Mt. Tabor Hall (TABOR)
- Application required
Bike repair stands
Many locations have bike repair stands, which include all the tools necessary to perform basic repairs and maintenance. See stand locations on the “alternative transportation” layer on the campus map.
BIKETOWN for All is a program that provides Portland residents who live on low incomes with a reduced-cost BIKETOWN membership. Members will also have access to bike safety education and a free helmet.
You’re eligible if you’re 16 or older, and receive SNAP, OHP, utility assistance (LIHEAP), unemployment assistance, affordable housing assistance, a Pell Grant, or have an income-eligible TriMet Honored Citizen pass.
Applications are available online or you can email or call 311 for assistance.
Questions about transportation options? Email us at [opens in new window]