Structure and committees
Executive Body
The Executive Body consists of the President, Vice President, and Internal Committee Chairs, with the Director of Student Life & Leadership acting as an advisory non-member. The Executive Body manages the affairs of the ASPCC and may make executive decisions on behalf of the organization. While not a Committee, the Executive Body is responsible for coordinating and facilitating organizational-level activities including training sessions, events, retreats, and external collaborations.
Student Outreach Committee
The Student Outreach Committee is the primary action committee within the Student Senate. This committee engages with students and collaborates with institutional stakeholders to collect and interpret the data used to develop the ASPCC’s priorities, goals, and legislation. To do this, the Student Outreach Committee facilitates student involvement in advocacy efforts within PCC, and conducts outreach via on-campus tabling, canvassing, survey distribution, focus groups, PantherHub forums, etc.
Marketing and Advertising Committee
The Marketing and Advertising Committee oversees communication between the Student Senate and the PCC student body by utilizing the ASPCC’s social media accounts, PCC website and PantherHub, publishing meeting agendas and minutes, and creating physical/digital marketing materials. This Committee is also responsible for coordinating marketing initiatives and content creation for the ASPCC’s physical and digital adspace, and may collaborate with institutional stakeholders to cross-promote events and facilitate distribution.
Institutional Relations Committee
The Institutional Relations Committee fosters and maintains the ASPCC’s institutional relationships and presence at PCC. This Committee is responsible for overseeing Student Senator presence and membership in external committees, as well as coordinating general student recruitment initiatives.