Club officers

PantherHub Guide for Club Officers

This is your “Group Page” – this is what your members experience.

Screenshot of PantherHub group page Officer portal.

To Manage your page in your role as Officer – click the “Manage” button located beside your Group’s name:

Screenshot of Manage button for Groups.

This is your Officer portal:

PantherHub Group page screenshot

Officer Boot Camp – Overview of Platform

How to access your required officer training checklist:

Using the “pancake” menu on the left side of the page, find the My Activity dropdown and select My Checklists.

Pancake menu image

Screenshot of PantherHub with left menu expanded with a red arrow pointing towards the My Checklist option.

Screenshot of PantherHub Officer Training checklist page.

Create Event

  1. Log into PantherHub and click Events in the top menu.
  2. Click the Create Event button.
    Section of PantherHub screenshot showing the green Create Event button
  3. In the pop up menu, click the name of your group.
  4. This will bring up the creation and approval process for the event in a new window. Below is a walk through of the process.
Approval process
  1. What: describe the event and identify the event coordinator and the team members.
  2. When: the start and end time and date of the event
  3. Where: identify the location of the event (on or off campus)
  4. Photo and flyer: attach a photo and/or a flyer to promote the event
  5. More details: upload files if needed. Also, let people know if food will be provided.
  6. Access and display options: choose who is allowed to register for the event.
    • Important: in order for your event to display in D2L and on the Events Calendar on, select Everyone and Everyone under Who is Allowed to Register and Who Can See This Event?
  7. Registration options: decide how you want people to register for the event
    • Display list of attendees – Please note: Always choose Nobody.
  8. Advanced options: choose more options to customize your event
  9. Delete, save, or create: after completing the Event Form, you can choose to Delete, Save as a Draft, or Create Event

    • By clicking Create Event, it will be added to the Events section in PantherHub. Students will be able to find the event directly by its name, any tags attached to it or by the search feature or any URL links created for the event.
    • Please note! In order for your event to display in D2L and on the Events Calendar on, you must select Everyone and Everyone in the Access & Display Options sections.