Safety and Risk Management – B 507
Portland Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy work and educational environment for our employees, students and visitors by:
- Protecting the assets and other financial resources of the college against the adverse impact of catastrophic loss and to preserve the assets and service capabilities of the college from unplanned depletion or destruction.
- Maintaining a high standard of service and accountability through the development and implementation of programs that improve the health, safety, and well-being of our work force, students and the public and minimizing the potential for losses and risk exposure through sound risk management practices in all college facilities and activities.
- Ensuring the college administration takes an active role in identifying and evaluating the risks at the college.
- Holding safety in all operations and activities to be of primary importance.
- Complying with laws and regulations from governments and their agencies, such as ADA, OSHA, DEQ and the State Fire Marshal.
Therefore the President shall establish a comprehensive risk management program to achieve the objectives above. The risk management program manager is responsible to review current programs and provide recommendations to prevent and minimize losses. The manager is also charged to determine how much risk the college will assume and how much to transfer to external insurance pools.
(May 2004)