About the 2017 Bond
As Oregon’s largest institution of higher education, PCC serves more than 75,000 full- and part-time students from all backgrounds each year.
On the November 7, 2017 ballot, the PCC Board of Directors asked voters in its service area to consider a bond. The bond passed. Funds from the bond will go directly to addressing repairs, modernizing and renovating facilities, improving safety, and replacing outdated technology and equipment.
How much does the bond cost?
PCC’s bond measure is estimated to maintain current tax rates for local homeowners, with the total principal amount of bonds authorized not to exceed $185 million. This is estimated to maintain the tax rate of $0.40 per $1,000 of assessed property value, for 16 years.
What will the bond do?
Improve workforce training programs
Modernize the college’s workforce training center in Northeast Portland, and provide updated equipment and technology for programs.
Expand health professions and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math)
Renovate the existing Health Technology Building and develop new interactive training spaces for healthcare professions programs.
Modernize Sylvania Campus Health Technology Building
Develop health inter-professional training spaces
Meet needs for safety, security, building longevity, and disability access
Extend the lifespan of PCC facilities and meet the needs of current and future students.
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