Bond Advisory Committee
The Portland Community College Bond Advisory Committee (BAC) is a recommending body established to inform and share information about capital projects funded under general obligation bond measures.
Bond Advisory Committee members serve as liaisons by communicating bond-related information to the broader community. Committee meetings are a time for BAC members to review progress on bond-funded projects so they can better inform the broader community, share learned insights, and increase transparency around bond projects.
users Membership
The Bond Advisory Committee is composed of staff, faculty, and students who represent different areas of focus in the college, such as sustainability, accessibility, workforce development, and college planning. Membership is aimed at representing a diversity of backgrounds, viewpoints, skill sets, and areas of expertise. The committee is chaired by the Office of Planning and Capital Construction (P&CC) Director, Rebecca Ocken, with support from the P&CC team.
list check Committee goals
The Bond Advisory Committee convenes bi-annually to receive planning, design, and construction updates, along with other pertinent information, to help facilitate communication with the broader community. During these meetings, committee members review progress on bond-funded projects and have the opportunity to provide input on upcoming bond campaign strategies in alignment with college planning, such as the Strategic Plan and the Facilities Plan. In their communications with broader communities, BAC members listen to feedback and offer insights provided in committee meetings.
Read the Bond Advisory Committee charter.
Scheduled meetings
- April 23, 2025: Spring BAC meeting
What are the responsibilities of BAC members?
The BAC is a recommending body. Committee members attend and actively participate in meetings, review provided materials, and serve as liaisons by disseminating bond-related information during respective departmental, team, and campus meetings.
How long are BAC meetings, and how often do they meet?
The committee meets virtually twice a year for 60 minutes.
Can I attend a BAC meeting if I’m not a member?
Yes. Meetings are open to the PCC community.
Where can I find past BAC presentations?
Past presentations are available in the meeting presentations tab.
How can I find out if I’m eligible to join the BAC?
If you’re interested in joining the committee, reach out to [opens in new window].