2022 Education Bond

Why the bond measure?

The November 8, 2022 election includes a Portland Community College bond measure. If voters pass the proposed bond, funds would go directly to projects that will improve access to higher education.

PCC is the largest higher educational resource for traditionally underrepresented students in Oregon. According to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission, less than half of people from Oregon’s communities of color have an associate degree or higher. With barriers like job, childcare, and transportation schedules disproportionately preventing students of color from reaching their full potential, PCC is committed to providing equitable access to higher education.

What would the bond measure do?

Watch the video for an overview of what the bond will do.

If voters pass the proposed bond, the projects would support students regardless of their zip code, background, or family circumstances.

If voters pass the proposed bond, Portland Community College would use the funds to:

  • Update technology and equipment to provide students with modern higher education and job training opportunities.
  • Upgrade classrooms and technology to provide more options for hybrid learning so students have the flexibility to balance class schedules with transportation, jobs, and family responsibilities.
  • Update existing facilities at the Rock Creek and Sylvania campuses to ensure classrooms and student spaces are modern and set up for flexible learning.
  • Expand technical education in Washington County.
  • Increase facility lifespan, efficiency, health, and safety through:
    • Heating and cooling upgrades
    • Update ventilation, plumbing, and electrical
    • Campus lighting
  • Increase access for people with disabilities.

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What would the bond cost?

The $450 million bond measure is estimated to maintain the current tax rate because PCC is repaying outstanding bond debt. If the proposed bond passes, the estimated tax rate would continue to be $0.38 per $1,000 dollars of assessed home value. The rate taxpayers pay would stay at $0.38 per thousand dollars of assessed home value. The taxpayer cost would be $95 per year or $7.92 per month for property with an assessed value of $250,000. Assessed value is generally lower than market value. The bond will mature in approximately 16 years. If the proposed measure does not pass, the proposed services would not be provided and the tax rate would decline.

What can you do?

Remember to vote on Tuesday, November 8.

Ballots must be received or mailed with a valid postmark by 8pm on Election Day. The ballot can be mailed or dropped off at any official drop box across the state. Visit the voting drop box website to find a location near you.

The voter registration deadline is October 18. Learn more at the Oregon Secretary of State website.