Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue – capital improvements
- Project manager: Dusty Hoerz
- Design team: Bora Architecture & Interiors
- Contractor: Andersen Construction Company
- Project budget: $36,000,000
- Square footage: 50,000
- Timeline: June 2019 – June 2023
- Bond program funding: 2017
With funding from the 2017 bond measure, the Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue (previously the Portland Metropolitan Workforce Training Center (PMWTC)), is being redeveloped. A new two-story facility will be built with classrooms, offices, and meeting rooms for both PCC staff and community partners such as the Oregon Department of Human Services. The redeveloped facility will support the programmatic goals of this center. The Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue will continue to offer the existing programs and will add to those following an opportunity center model. Additionally, PCC is introducing affordable housing on the property in partnership with Home Forward.
By spring 2020, the design team completed the programmatic architectural meetings with the users of the building to capture their needs for space. In addition, the initial site determination was reached including the location for all the elements of the site (building, housing, parking, and open space). By the end of 2020, the Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue redevelopment finalized its design development phase. In 2021, the project moved towards construction documentation.
This project broke ground in January 2022 and aims to complete construction by summer 2023.
Owner architect contractor meetings
Spring 2021 update – available in two languages
Summer 2020 update – available in four languages
Spring 2020 and winter 2020 updates
For comments on the information presented, please contact bond@pcc.edu [opens in new window].
Floor plans
The layout of the two-story, 50,000-square-foot building includes:
- Lobby and reception area
- Large community room
- Classrooms
- Computer laboratory
- Career center
- Conference and meeting rooms
- Office areas
- Common areas
- Partner space (10,000 square feet)
Fall 2020 community virtual focus groups
During Fall 2020, community members throughout Northeast Portland joined the project team in virtual focus groups. Project neighbors engaged with the progress made to date and contributed their perspectives about the proposed spaces, the design elements, and services planned for future development. Led by Living Cully, local community partner agencies played an important role in connecting their constituents to these opportunities, allowing them to bring community input into the design process in spite of COVID-19.
Summer and fall 2019 outreach
In 2019, PCC partnered with Living Cully, a local non-profit organization, to gather input from the Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue neighboring communities. Through focus groups, canvassing, and event participation, Living Cully compiled priorities and visions for the future of the center and the neighborhood.
PCC and Living Cully closed this effort with a well-attended community open house on November 14, 2019. At the event, near one hundred neighbors, community-based organizations representatives, Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue staff, and clients shared a meal and interacted with the information and the project team.
When will the new Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue open?
What is the Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue?
How do I contact Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue if I would like to access services?
Will there be disruption of services while construction takes place?
How will environmental dust and hazards like radon be controlled during construction?
What will the new Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue look like?
Will parts of the site be accessible to the public?
Will there be affordable housing coming to the site?
When will the housing units become available?
Who will live in the housing on-site?
Will there be parking on site?
How is the design team making decisions?
Will the new building be sustainable?
Who is part of the project team?
What is PCC’s commitment to business diversity?
The redevelopment of the Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue is on track for LEED Gold certification. Some of the sustainable features of this project include, but are not limited to the following:
- On target to achieve a Net Zero Building; Net Zero buildings have the potential to create as much energy as they consume over the course of each year
- Abundant natural light with daylight harvesting controls to minimize energy consumption
- Occupancy sensors and building management software decrease energy use across all building systems
- Photovoltaic array (solar panels) on the roof, with capacity for additional community solar panels
- Mass timber construction
- Teleconference capabilities in training and community rooms
- Electric vehicle charging stations and carpool parking stalls
- Secure indoor bicycle parking
- The project is eligible to receive all LEED EA Optimize Energy points and all EA Renewable Energy points
Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue walkthrough
If you have questions about the project or would like to learn more about it, please contact bond@pcc.edu [opens in new window] or 971-722-8416.