Computer Education programs

Credit and degree

Courses for those interested in earning a degree or majoring in computing. Our credit classes can be taken individually or in pursuit of a degree.

Training and certification

For the curious and the professional. Our non-credit training classes vary from introductory concepts to highly technical, industry-recognized certifications.

Non-credit classes

Community Education offers a wide range of non-credit computer classes. Join us for fun, or to learn a valuable new skill.

Find courses on a particular computer topic

To find the individual computer classes offered each term, use our class schedule. Just key in the topics that interest you, for example, “Internet”, and you’ll find both credit and non-credit classes related to that topic. Listed below are a few to get you started. You can also narrow your search by choosing specific class days, locations, and more in the advanced search:

Or, choose your path

At PCC, you have many options. Whether you’re an expert or just looking for the basics, we offer a range of courses designed to fit your budget, schedule, and specific goals. Find your path by selecting the item in the list below that best describes your goal: