Peer Advisors

Broaden your college experience and get paid to engage with your peers as part of the PCC Career Services team! Peer Advisors are trained to help current and prospective students with career and major exploration, scholarship search, general college information, identifying potential transfer universities, job search, and more.

Applications are now available for positions starting Spring 2025 – Spring 2026. More details with a link to the full job description are located in the online application. Apply by Monday, March 10 for best consideration (application will remain open until positions are filled). Questions? email [opens in new window].

Peer Advisors go through extensive training in order to:

  • Connect with other students and help them navigate the college system
  • Administer career assessments and help students explore majors and career options
  • Teach students to use MyPCC, register for classes approved by an advisor, access college resources, and plan a class schedule
  • Help students to research college majors, transfer schools, and scholarships
  • Sponsor events and promote the center’s services across campus so that all students have equal access to career exploration
  • Help students locate and apply for job opportunities

Sylvania peer advisors: back row – Oscar, Karum, Lupine, Vivian; front row – Dana, Emily, Anh, Sunny

Sylvania peer advisors

Rock Creek peer advisors: back row – Anna, Stephanie, Upama: front row – Yesenia, Priscilla, Rocky, Jonny

Rock Creek peer advisors

Southeast Peer Advisors

Southeast peer advisors

Southeast peers tabling at an event

Southeast peers

Sylvania Peer Advisor helping a student

Peer advisor helping a student at a computer