Recruitment guidelines for employers

Our highest priority is ensuring that both students and employers enjoy an equitable and successful recruiting environment. To recruit with us, employers must have hiring practices that reflect this commitment. Our guidelines:

  • Pay at least minimum wage (unless offered as an internship)
  • Provide complete and accurate contact info
  • Maintain student confidentiality
  • No buy-ins
  • No private in-home services
  • No independent contracts (1099 positions)
  • Write screening requirements with an emphasis on “hard” skills and qualifications.
  • Post positions to PCC’s Student Job Board.
  • Consider “open” recruitment activities such as job fairs and employer presentations instead of individual referrals.
  • Publish any program requirements for internship participation, such as GPA or prerequisites.
  • Keep recruiting activities outside of the classroom and class hours (employers can speak in the classroom as content experts, but not as recruiters)

Policies and laws

  • Equal opportunity requirements
    Organizations recruiting through PCC must certify that they are equal opportunity employers, offering employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, veteran status, age, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law. See the PCC Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy.
  • Fair wage and hour requirements
    All jobs posted at PCC must be bona fide employment opportunities paying at least minimum wage. Other business ventures, including opportunities that require an initial investment, are excluded from posting. Unpaid internships must adhere to federal and state standards. See the Oregon state law regulating minimum wage [pdf].
  • Confidentiality of student information
    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits the disclosure of personal information to parties outside your organization without written consent from each candidate. See the PCC Privacy Policy.

Have questions? Contact a specialist for advice or guidance to clarify relevant policies and restrictions.