Planning your event

Catering arrangements for all campuses are facilitated through the district catering office located in CC 250 on the Sylvania Campus.

PCC has first right of refusal on all catering events.

How to place the order

  1. Fill out the online order form at least 7 business days before the event. You will receive a confirmation email saying we received your order.
  2. We process your order and send you an invoice with pricing details.
  3. Review, sign, and return the invoice to us to finalize your order.

For questions or help with menu design, contact us at [opens in new window] or 971-722-4318.

Room reservations

It is necessary to make room reservations before making arrangements for catering. Room reservations can be made through the catering office only for the rooms listed below.

Room seating capacities
Location (Sylvania) Seating Capacity
Oak Room 30
Elm Room 14
Fir Room 14
Combination of Fir, Elm, and Oak 100

If you are looking for a different room to reserve, please contact one of the following:

Room set up

After reserving your space location, the next step is to arrange your room set up. You will coordinate your chair and table needs with Facilities Management Services by emailing the Service Request Center at [opens in new window].

Media needs

If you have any media or audio visual needs, you will need to complete the Audio Visual Request form to reserve the equipment you need. You can find the form on the Media Services website.

PCC inclusive event planning

As you are planning your event, please consider event accessibility. This PCC Inclusive Event Planning Checklist created by the PCC Accessibility Council helps our community members consider accessibility and accommodation when planning events. Please also check out these helpful accommodation tips.

Important considerations while planning your event