CCOG for APR 130M Spring 2025
- Course Number:
- APR 130M
- Course Title:
- Machine Shop Trigonometry
- Credit Hours:
- 2.5
- Lecture Hours:
- 0
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 50
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Addendum to Course Description
Mathematics for Machine Technology by Smith, published by Delmar, 6e Edition, ISBN: 1-428-33656-7
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon completion of the course students should be able to:
- Use sine, cosine, tangent, and other functions to determine coordinates of a part to be machined.
- Communicate technical information to co-workers, clients, and/or engineers.
Course Activities and Design
APR 130M will be presented by means of audio-visual presentations, demonstrations, lab experiences, and research activities. The course activities and design emphasize the development of skills and knowledge outcomes prescribed by established industry standards. The identified outcomes will be achieved by means of individual and team activities.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
The final grade will be calculated from the average of a mid-term and a final exam. The two exams present questions based on the exercises assigned in the class.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
Machine Shop Math / Trigonometry consists of the following modules:
Module 1 – Fundamentals of Plane Geometry – Plane Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with points, lines, and various figures that are made of combinations of points and lines.
Module 2 – Applying Shop Trigonometry - Most of the trigonometric relationships used by machinists are based on the right triangle. The right triangle formulas we used previously dealt with the length of the sides only. Trigonometry formulas deal with both the sides and the angles.
Related Instruction
Hours: 65Use sine, cosine, tangents, and functions to determine coordinates of a part to be machined.
Through direct instruction students practice
- Right triangle trig using Pythagorean theorem, Sin, Cosine, and Tangent functions.
- Some obtuse and acute triangle trig using the law of sins.
- Students are given blue prints of machine parts that require the use of trigonometry to determine bolt hole patterns and how to locate x and y coordinates.
Hours: 10Communicate technical information to co-workers, clients, and or engineers.
- Technical communication skills are practiced as students need to communicate industry specific questions related to higher level math.
- Students learn to ask specific questions related to their current problem by defining the case and what they need to complete the issue at hand.