CCOG for ARCH 104 Winter 2025
- Course Number:
- ARCH 104
- Course Title:
- Intermediate Residential Design
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Lecture Hours:
- 20
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 30
Course Description
Addendum to Course Description
Students will use hand sketching to explore design concepts, and will use CAD drafting to create architectural drawings and 3-D modeling. Student versions of the CAD software are available for no cost, from the software provider.
This course is a required for an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Architectural Design and Drafting, Residential track.
Transferability of credit depends entirely upon the institution to which the student wishes to transfer.
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon completion of the course students should be able to:
- Develop design and details for single-family and attached residences, based on industry standards.
- Produce design drawings to communicate spatial and technical solutions.
- Communicate with design professionals and clients, using industry-specific terminology and graphics.
Aspirational Goals
The goals for this class are:
Develop space planning skills, so as to prepare for the "capstone" studios (ARCH 201, ARCH 203)
Learn more about lighting design, apply to a new or remodel project, and develop industry standard drawings and schedules (reflected ceiling plans, light fixture schedules)
Learn industry standards for kitchen design and layout, and explore aesthetics and trends in cabinet design and equipment.
Course Activities and Design
Course materials will be presented in a lecture and discussion format, using multimedia, demonstration, videos, and diagrams, which provide examples of residential design and appropriate design solutions (built and student work), along with 3-D modeling and rendering techniques. The lecture/discussion will be followed by lab, where students will make application of concepts through a residential design term project.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
- Student to demonstrate understanding of the design process, along with space-planning concepts for residential spaces, kitchens, and lighting design. Projects for the class should demonstrate response to these concepts, and show consideration for human activities within room layouts and adjacencies within the interior.
- Student to finalize project using professional quality presentation skills.
- Student to demonstrate time management skills by completion of projects by assigned deadlines and by meeting specific objectives for each phase of project.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
Themes & Concepts:
Combine space planning concepts with client needs, to create a floor plan layout for new or remodeled homes.
Evaluate lighting requirements, based on client needs, the architecture of the space, to create a lighting plan that uses layers of lighting and represents desired aesthetic.
Create a kitchen layout that meets industry standards, client needs; represent aesthetic with casework & cabinet design.