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Course Content and Outcomes Guides (CCOG)
Course Content and Outcomes Guides (CCOG)
CCOG Courses in Addiction Counseling archive
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Course Number
Course Title
AD 101
Alcohol Use and Addiction
AD 102
Drug Use and Addiction
AD 103
Women and Addiction
AD 104
Multicultural Counseling
AD 105
Aging & Addiction
AD 106
Nicotine Cessation
Smoking Cessation
AD 107
Addiction Recovery Mentor
AD 108
Adolescence and Addiction
AD 109
Criminality and Addiction
Justice Systems and Addiction
AD 110
Substance Abuse Prevention
AD 111
Gambling and Addiction I
AD 112
Gambling and Addiction II
AD 120E
Introduction to Addiction Counseling
AD 121E
Pharmacology and Addiction
AD 122E
Professional Ethics and Laws in Addiction Counseling
Professional Ethics in Addiction Counseling
AD 123E
Smoke, Chew, Vape: Reduce Your Use
AD 124E
Cultural Humility in Counseling
AD 140E
Risk Assessment and Reduction
AD 141E
Clinical Evaluation
AD 142E
Addiction Counseling
Addiction Counseling Skills
AD 143E
Addiction Group Counseling
AD 144E
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
AD 150
Basic Counseling and Addiction
AD 151
Basic Counseling Skills Mastery
AD 152
Group Counseling and Addiction
AD 153
Theories of Counseling
AD 154
Client Record Management and Addiction
AD 155
Motivational Interviewing & Addiction
AD 156
Ethical and Professional Issues
Professional Ethics and Issues in Addiction Counseling
AD 157
Motivational Interviewing Skills Mastery
AD 160
Basic Counseling
AD 161
Motivational Interviewing and Addiction
AD 184
Men & Addiction
AD 201
Families and Addiction
AD 202
Trauma and Recovery
AD 211
Alcohol & Drug: Special Studies
AD 212
Alcohol & Drug: Special Studies
AD 213
Alcohol & Drug: Special Studies
AD 250
Advanced Counseling and Addiction
AD 251
Advanced Counseling Skills Mastery
AD 255
Multiple Diagnoses
AD 256
Advanced Counseling and Addiction
AD 270A
Practicum: Addiction
AD 270B
Practicum: Addiction - Seminar
AD 278
Practicum Preparation