CCOG for ATH 101 archive revision 201904

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Effective Term:
Fall 2019 through Summer 2020

Course Number:
ATH 101
Course Title:
Introduction to Biological Anthropology
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces biological anthropology and the study of evolution in the context of modern genetics and primate behavior studies. Examines human fossil record, diversity, and commonality of present and past populations of humankind. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

The course is taught both online and on campus.  To be successful, students should read and write at the college level.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  1. Discuss basic concepts and methods in biological anthropology.
  2. Use an understanding of biology, genetics, and fossil evidence to examine the process of human biological and cultural evolution over time.
  3. Identify how human beings influence the environment and are influenced by the environment in which they live. 
  4. Use an understanding of anthropology to describe historical and contemporary issues in evolutionary biology and genetics, such as race, stem cell research, gene patents, eugenics, and ethical issues related to the excavation and study of the prehistoric remains of indigenous people.

Social Inquiry and Analysis

Students completing an associate degree at Portland Community College will be able to apply methods of inquiry and analysis to examine social contexts and the diversity of human thought and experience.

Aspirational Goals

  • develop or expand an understanding of evolutionary theory and history
  • use an understanding of genetics to evaluate different aspects of the human genome
  • Analyze biological and behavioral similarities and differences between humans and other primates
  • use an understanding of anthropology to examine the stages of human evolution
  • develop or expand an understanding of how environmental, physiological and cultural adaptation is related to human biological diversity

Course Activities and Design

Course activities may include but are not limited to the following:

  • lectures
  • class discussions
  • papers
  • observational assignments
  • film reviews
  • studies of primates
  • analysis of fossils, stone tools or casts of prehistoric bones

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessment strategies may include, but are not limited to, any of the following:

  •  exams
  •  quizzes
  •  student presentations
  •  term papers
  •  short papers or reports
  •  labs or other experiential exercises

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


  • Human genetics and biology
  • evolutionary theory and history
  • primate studies
  • Stages of human evolution
  • Modern human adaptation and variation
  • Contemporary issues in evolutionary biology and genetics


  • Origins of Life
  • Human Origins
  • primate evolution and adaptation
  • human evolution and adaptation
  • Human Variation
  • stem cell research
  • gene patents
  • ethical issues related to the excavation and study of the remains of indigenous people


  • Time
  • Molecular Evolution
  • Natural Selection
  • Random mutation
  • gene flow
  • genetic drift
  • Chaos Theory
  • bipedalism
  • evolution of technology
  • Human Variation
  • Brain and Language development
  • cave art
  • Kennewick Man
  • gene patents
  • gene editing
  • stem cell research


  • Study Physical Anthropology at the College level
  • Learn about Human Biology and Evolution
  • make comparisons between humans and other primates
  • identify biological and behavioral differences between different species of prehistoric humans
  • learn about human biological diversity, adaptation and variation
  • consider ethical issues related to the study of biological anthropology